
From IndieWeb

Service Workers Use Cases was a session at IndieWebCamp Brighton 2016.

Notes archived from: https://etherpad.indieweb.org/howposse

IndieWebCamp Brighton, 2016 Session: How to POSSE (Publish on Own Site, Syndicate Elsewhere)

Description: How to POSSE


  • polytechnic.co.uk - Garrett Coakley (@garrettc) (leading)
  • martijn


Focus on the how, not the why. Started because Garrett has a littl list of places (Elsewhere) you can find him online. Instead of posting there and sending people there from his site, he would like to have it all on his site and then copy to the silos. Backfeeding might be of interest to be able to truly remove the elsewhere links. Parallell flickr (by Aaron Straup, https://github.com/straup/parallel-flickr), should become more of a federator flickr to be able to pull in the social interactions. Backfeeding can be paralysing, your history on the silos can keep you from starting to use your own site (— Jeremy). Posting notes (POSSE as tweets) is a great step 1. POSSEing is “an incremental problem” (— Tantek). “You can bridgy̦” (— Jeremy). Take a look at twitter to see how many subcategories there are for POSSE to Twitter. Jeremy stopped at 3.2, his notes can only be 140 characters long, even on his own website. Make life easy: use Bridgy — Jeremy.

How would you handle Pinboard? Especially when other services are already feeding into your Pinboard: favourited tweets and Instapaper links. You could first handle th services that are posting to Pinboard: if favouritd tweets are already handled by your own website you would not need to send them to Pinboard. If your Instapaper bookmarklet goes through your own site before going to Instapaper, you no longer need Instapaper to also go to Pinboard. Then Pinboard would be isolated, and can be handled just like any other.

Replace Pinboard with any other silo name, compartmentalise when you are moving to a POSSE/PESOS model.

You can track Tantek’s evolution of how he tweeted, basically by starting from tantek.com/2010/001/t1/.

Has anyone ever tried POSSEing LinkedIn? There seems to be an API for Share to LinkedIn: https://developer.linkedin.com/docs/share-on-linkedin

War stories

Lessons learned, scars earned


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