Archive of IndieWebCamp Bellingham planning and organizing.
Notes from organizing calls
This is an archive from the etherpad: https://etherpad.indieweb.org/IWCbham
IWCBham 2017-04-05 notes
- The Foundry (at Technology Development Center), 1000 F Street, Bellingham, WA 98225
- Correction: Classroom is available Friday, not Thursday. Upstairs still available both days.
- Confirmed: $50/day = $100 total
- Venue listed on wiki event page; initial announcement blogged and tweeted: https://gregorlove.com/2017/04/announcing-indiewebcamp-bellingham/
Open items
- How to best advertise the accessibility issue (no wheelchair access) for day 1 on wiki?
- Coordinate with aaronpk to set up http://2017.indieweb.org/bellingham similar to http://2016.indieweb.org
- fill in https://indieweb.org/2017/Bellingham
- indieweb RSVPs
- https://ti.to ticket registration (free)
- sponsor logos
- schedule
- create page similar to https://indieweb.org/2014/NYC/expenses
IWCBham 2017-03-31 notes
- Technology Development Center (https://www.portofbellingham.com/163/Technology-Development-Center)
- $50 per day, payable day of event
- ~40 person capacity
- Classroom all day Thursday, till ~11:30a Friday, Upstairs both days
- accessibility concern part 2 of Friday
- coffee
- lunch?
- venue
- travel assistance?
Next steps
- Salt will reach out to potential sponsors
- http://www.3dcorp.us/contact/ - $200 to cover venue and other
- https://www.conversica.com/about-us-contact-us/
- http://nwtechnology.com/contact.php
- https://www.brivity.com/contact
- https://woodscoffee.com/contact/
- http://www.bbaybrewery.com/donations (have yet to fill out) (and/or email donations@bbaybrewery.com)
- http://www.casaquepasarocks.com/contact/ (have yet to contact)
- Gregor will confirm venue
- All: decide on next meeting time - http://whenisgood.net/dkwgjyq
IWCBham 2017-03-15 notes
- gRegor is talking with The Foundry and Technology Development Center about using space there.
- Next meeting scheduled for 3/31.
IWC:Sea Kick-off 2017-02-15 notes
- LinuxFest Northwest 2017-05-06..07
- OSCON (Austin, TX) 2017-05-8..11
- Decided on Thurs/Fri - 5/4-5 in Bellingham
- Tentatively IWCsea paired with SeaGL later in the year
- Soft cap of 50 at Portland
- Shoot for 50-70
- 3-4 rooms for breakouts
Next Steps
- Update wiki with IWC:Bham (Thurs/Fri - 5/4-5 in Bellingham) and IWC:Sea near SeaGL
- Connect gRegor and BLUG
Initial Planning
This is an archive of the initial planning for IndieWebCamp Bellingham 2017, originally found here.
Interested in participating!
Tantek Γelik
- ...
- 2017-05-04..05
- TBD. Most likely same venue as LinuxFest Northwest
- 2017-02-15 planning call notes: https://etherpad.indieweb.org/IWCbham (originally https://etherpad.indieweb.org/IWCsea)
- ...
Other events:
- LinuxFest Northwest 2017-05-06..07
- OSCON (Austin, TX) 2017-05-10..11