Building a Censorship Resistant Web was a session at IndieWebCamp Berlin 2018.
Notes archived from: https://etherpad.indieweb.org/berlin-censorship
IndieWebCamp Berlin 2018
Session: Building a Censorship Resistant Web
When: 2018-11-03 16:00
- tiara miller (tiaramiller.com)
- https://joelpurra.com/
- dylan harris
Jeremy Keith
Sebastian Greger
- Dietrich Ayala
- Add yourself here⦠(see this for more details)
Current web infrastructure
- single centralized server has 100% control
- all the client can do is request
- single point of failure
- how can we design systems that might mitigate the sensorabilituy of projects today?
- distributed web projects
- 1.5 billion estimated sites
- how can we make sure they stay accessible?
- ipfs
- only for content that doesnt change
- peer discovery
- behind the router so you can host the ip address
- browsers have been passive clients that can only make request
- p2p is not a direct request between two parties
- ipfs is not a two party direct response relationship
- response can come from the nearest peer holding the hash
- mesh networkd
- 20 requests sent until someone holding the hash returns it saying they have it
- distributed hash table
- single object dispensed between many different holders
- similar to tcp/ip architecture
- passed along until someone says that they have it
- honey pots
- what are the pros and cons for censorship
- request based on hash, hash is not immutable, series of changes --> similar to git
- relation to a browser-doesnt particularly matter
- Beaker is a Chromium-based browser for DAT.
- dat stream is referred to as dat archive
- folder that contains all data of web app
- ipfs has immutable data.
- site that is ipfs enable can the url
- Can retrieve data from local peers.
- Can it be configured to only request locally?
- access a javascript api that allows you to write new files to the folder
- can this be synced
- front end and back end dont make sense anymore when you have them both running in the same space
- forking a dat archive is easy, with cryptographical signatures to differentiate between authors
- ipfs is about immutability- dat is about changes
- if i write something very critical about a government, the government can then blacklist my site
- immutable content can also get hacked
- trust being misplaced
- does tor content play well with ipfs format?
- its not all traffic
- proxy p2p traffic to tor
- will site work served from ipfs inside censored country?
- trust is the problem no matter what
- trust anchor
- certificate authority (CA) infrastructure
- trust is through domain name on regular web browser
- out of band (OOB) key exchange
- SSL public key and private key
- mirrors CA problem
- always delegating authority when trusting others
- exposure
- bitcoin chain contains several pieces of "illegal material" (both for certain legislative areas/countries, and for a large number of legislative areas/countries)
- new architectures for publishing but not protecting individuals doing the publishing
- these new architectures are very different from the status quo
- understanding the architectual differences that keep these two worlds seperated
- how do you bring these things together?
- service that copy and serve through a gateway
- filecurrency is backed by file storage services