Making Your Website Work Offline was a session at IndieWebCamp Berlin 2018.
Notes archived from: https://etherpad.indieweb.org/offline
IndieWebCamp Berlin 2018
Session: Making your website work offline
When: 2018-11-03 16:55
Jeremy Keith (adactio.com)
Aaron Parecki (aaronpk.com)
- Tiara Miller (tiaramiller.com)
- Sebastiaan Andeweg (seblog.nl)
- Marty McGuire (martymcgui.re)
- Ana Rodrique (ohhelloana.blog)
Tantek Γelik (tantek.com)
- Mike (madebymike.com.au)
- UX
- Service Workers
- have website on server, a browser comes and make request for url
- server sends back url and other stuff
- send back file, css, JS (different then regular JS)
- installed into browser, like a cookie, but executable
- once installed on visitors device, itll check with the service worker first before retriving updated file and go through cache
- fetch all of these images and put to the cache
- the way you set this up, is different per website, different per use-case of the website. (is it more like a book, which never changes, or does it work like a news-site, which tries to get the newest always, unless you're offline)
- look in cache and if its in cache serve that, or find newer version and update chache
- balancing two things:
- freshness and performance
- Fresh -1: a strategy where you will always serve the cache, and also always get a new one for the next page-load.
- no internet will try to retrieve from network and will fail and get it from the cache, with bad internet it will keep trying to access the network
- It's async, so you can do both the cache Γ‘nd the cache-refresh, at the same time
- You can serve a quick page saying you're working, then send a message from the service worker to show the new page.
- problems: what if the cache is different, but only a bit, and you want to update, but the user has scrolled already... diffing in the browser.
- For Jeremy's book site, it was Fresh -1 at first, for typo's, but later switched to offline-first, a permanent archive.
- For personal sites: blog-posts don't change that often, so serve it offline-first.
- But, webmentions do change, so grab them via an embed / javascript.
- caching and pre-caching
- with caching: users only will cache posts they have already read.
- you can also use a button, so the user can put blogposts in the cache, to read later if they are offline.
- the offline-page as the new 404-page: branding opportunity to put fun things in
- another category: posting apps that work offline and post your posts when you are online again (see Aaron's offline Teacup)
- using the Push-api: not display a notification, but go to the network and fill the cache with new posts
- you have to be a good citizen with this: you will have to clean your cache.
- it has better longevity than the browser-cache, it's around localStorage.
More use cases:
- books
- blogs (reading or writing?)
- news
- games
IndieWeb focused use-cases
- nice (offline friendly) reading experience for readers of your blog
- writing / authoring experience for you for your blog
- reading experience using your reader (Microsub client)