Storage / YAML, JSON, etc. was a session at IndieWebCamp Nuremberg 2018.
Video: βΆοΈ 21:05s
Notes archived from: https://etherpad.indieweb.org/storage
IndieWebCamp NΓΌrnberg 2018
Session: Storage / YAML, JSON, etc.
When: 2018-10-20 11:00
- Jan Sauer
- Philip Saa
- Jeremy Cherfas
- Sebastiaan Andeweg (sebsel, seblog.nl)
- Calum Ryan (calumryan.com)
- Sebastian Lasse (sl007)
- Philip got interested in YAML as a storage format. He was using XML before.
- Jan: XML has more options, but, writing by hand is really hard.
- Philip has a lot of steps to get from XML to HTML via JSON (in his Javascript framework), etc.
- He has one big file with all his site-content.
- Sebastiaan A. uses folders with files with 'Kirby Data' in it, which looks like YAML, but is more human friendly
- fields can contain real YAML too
- storage is in folders like /YYYY/ddd/n, with YYYY being the year, ddd being the number of the day in the year, and n being the number of post on the day. In that folder is an entry.txt.
- All the files are indexed in a sqlite database for better searching.
- JSON is valid YAML
- Jeremy is on Grav
- Grav (getgrav.org) uses YAML too, as YAML-frontmatter.
- YAML-frontmatter and then content in markdown, with a YAML part at the top of the file.
- You can add any fields you like in the frontmatter and they are available to the template.
- Jan wants to use event-sourcing
- is using MongoDB for storage, because of the way it can search
- wants to store the events (like 'PostCreated', 'PostUpdated'), of which he can derrive the current state of the
- Sebastian Lasse wants to store lexical data as well
- wants a database that he can install for the user in one click
- Jan recommends ArangaDB
At this point aaronpk let the Google Hangouts join.
- Sebastiaan A. wants to use git for the event sourcing part
- Jan: that's nice, but you're not able to extract the exact 'Webmention' events. You are stuck with the format (aggregate) you get now.
- Nice thing about having multiple files (e.g. one per post) is that if you break one, the rest of your site still works.
- event sourcing is nice, but event driven architecture might be enough.
- post-content, external content (the page you mention) and incoming webmentions are different kinds of data and might deserve different kinds of storage.