Planning for IndieWebCamp Portland 2024, Sunday 2024-08-25 after XOXO 2024.
Planning for a one day IndieWebCamp Portland.
Venue possibilities:
- Study Hall in Hotel Grand Stark
Tantek Γelik β I can help organize an adjacent IWC Portland
Kevin Marks for a 1-day IWC on the Sunday after XOXO
- Add yourself here⦠(see this for more details) if you have experience organizing at least one prior IndieWebCamp, otherwise volunteer!
- 2024-08-25 Sunday in Portland immediately after XOXOfest:
Prior poll for possible Dates:
- 2024-08-25 Sunday in Portland immediately after XOXOfest:
- +0
Tantek Γelik β would stay for this if this is what everybody else prefers.
- +1
Kevin Marks for Sunday, will be leaving for LA Monday am
- +1
Marty McGuire good for Sunday. Leaving for NYC 10:30pm Sunday.
- +1
Joe Crawford Sunday feels like the likelier candidate for me. Planning to fly out Monday.
- +1
Ryan Barrett
- +1
Aaron Parecki I get back in to town Saturday night so I would be able to attend but not help organize
- +0.5
gRegor Morrill don't have travel plans yet, but leaning towards Sunday
- +1/0/-1 Add yourself here⦠(see this for more details)
- +0
- ... any other months/dates/cities/venues that folks could make work?
- 2024-08-21 Wednesday in Portland immediately before XOXOfest:
- +0
Tantek Γelik β I could also make this, and appreciate the slightly more convenient for travel / lodging costs of keeping an IndieWebCamp adjacent to a larger event folks are going to. Would also consider coming in Monday for a Monday afternoon/early evening mini Organizers Summit.
- -1
Kevin Marks gets into Portland from LA Weds pm
- +0
Ryan Barrett
- -1
Marty McGuire get into Portland from NYC Weds late PM.
- -1
Aaron Parecki I will be out of town, but don't let that stop you if this is a good option for everyone else
- +0
gRegor Morrill don't have travel plans yet, but leaning towards Sunday
- +1/0/-1 Add yourself here⦠(see this for more details)
- +0
Dates β Opinions:
Tantek Γelik β would be nice to be adjacent to XOXO given overlap in community and topics/speakers announced for XOXO 2024 (Molly White, Erin Kissane, Darius Kazmei)
Marty McGuire - I'll be in Portland for XOXO (Which is August 22-24 2024) so I'm up for some adjacent IndieWeb event! I wouldn't recommend doing a full summit around this time, haha.
- Add yourself here⦠(see this for more details)
Check list for/during/after the event:
- β Saving a table or two at 8am (or earlier) on Sunday the 25th
- β Getting the word out to XOXO participants and getting RSVPs on the Event link
- β Wiki page creating / editing (for all the usual pages we make for an IndieWebCamp)
- β Bringing IndieWebCamp supplies (large sticky notes, sharpies for the Grid)
- β Camp cleanup β everyone helped