John Evdemon

I love learning new things and still enjoy writing code.
Memento mori.
Amor Fati
Chat Nickname: jevdemon
John Evdemon
Hi! I'm John. I've spent a several decades designing, building, and deploying large systems on a wide variety of platforms (including mainframes - yes, I'm older than dirt). I've also spent a fair bit of time as an editor and writer for a couple of industry journals and led or helped develop web and industry standards such as XML, Business Process Execution Language (BPEL), ebXML, and many others. I've been experimenting with various IndieWeb standards over the past few years and am very interested in getting more involved in the development and maintenance of them.
My neglected blog is limping along on an outdated version of Known at I hope to get this mess cleaned up soon.
Working On
- Cleaning up my blog and posting more frequently
- Learning more about IndieWeb
- Hacking and frequently breaking a version of Cartulary to add better support for IndieWeb. This hack will be my new blog someday if get it working the way I like.
- Kidding myself that someday I'll be able to play electric guitar
- Set up an IndieReader so I can stop using InnoReader
- Integrate with Freedom Controller (perhaps via a new Known plugin?)
- Post longer-form content on a more regular basis (not just tweets)
- Add a proper home page
- Add structure to my blog so that entries are better formatted. I really like Dave Winer's posting style and would love to develop a template or plugin to easily use this style with Known.
- Get Known's LinkedIn plugin working again - it has been deprecated and hasn't been maintained. Create a PR for Known once I get it working and fully tested.
- Dave Jones has built a very interesting "digital archiver" that I would love to get integrated with my site and modify it to support IndieWeb standards.
- I'm currently using Dave Winer's excellent Radio3 as a LinkBlog. I'd like to get it better integrated into my blog.
- Hoping to get more involved with developing or evolving IndieWeb standards.
- More to come