From IndieWeb

Sarah Hibner


Sarah Hibner is a designer and creative director based in San Diego, California. In her free time she writes about media studies, design and development.

Chat Nickname: hibs

Elsewhere:  @practicing_dsgn ,  @0uter0uterspace , Github, Instagram, Reddit


Hello world, my name's Sarah aka hibs – I'm constantly curious and easily distracted. The intersection between media, tech and culture fascinate me because they're bidirectional forces that affect and are affected by society. My current personal projects involve media analysis and online bookmarking.

Some of my other interests include design, futurology, humanism, web development, science, and exploring the human mind. Some of my other passions include personal knowledge management, recreational cycling, and songwriting.

Let me know if you'd like to collaborate, correspond, or just to say hi :)


I've structured my personal knowledge management system as a reflection of the information architecture of my ideas. To that end, I use a multi-site strategy to publicize the ideas that are ready to see the light of day – I view it as creative compartmentalization.