From IndieWeb

Will King


Will King has worked in radio broadcasting (5 years), professional theater (4 years), professional/industrial audio visual (13 years), and, most recently, a major internet ecommerce company (13 years). A life-long desert rat (born in the Sahara, raised in the Mojave), he now works as an independent writer based in the Salt Lake City, Utah.

Indie Web Construction Kit

I'm currently using Jekyll for IndieWeb publishing with GitHub as the underlying platform at I began by using Known, a great platform, but I decided I wanted to wanted to learn more about Indie Web technologies and because I prefer a flat site design rather than one that uses databases. My first attempt used Pelican, but after my move from Southern California I was forced to mothball the server which provided Pelican. I switched to Jekyll because it's native to Github and allows me to simply upload markdown files either through the web interface or using Working Copy from my iPad or iPhone.


  • Increase understanding of Jekyll/Liquid to improve site templates.

Right now, just trying to gain more knowledge about the Indie Web movement and technologies and how I can participate.

I'm doing a lot of experimenting with site template designs, so the overall look is in flux at the moment.