Vouch Proxy
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Vouch Proxy (formerly Lasso) is a Single-Sign On OAuth client that works with the Nginx auth_request module and supports IndieAuth/RelMeAuth through IndieLogin, which is used for logging into the IndieWeb wiki.
- See Vouch for the Webmention extension for blocking spam and accepting responses from specific audiences.
IndieWeb Examples
Pablo Morales uses Vouch Proxy to sign into his RSS reader and protect various sections of his web infrastructure. Vouch Proxy is used for simply putting a wall around resources and using it as reverse proxy authentication. Examples:
- Grafana
- Kanboard
- FreshRSS
Docker Compose
How to implement using Docker Compose
services: vouch-proxy: container_name: vouch-proxy image: quay.io/vouch/vouch-proxy ports: - 9090:9090 volumes: - ./vouch-proxy-config:/config restart: always
config file with Indieauth Protocol
vouch: logLevel: debug listen: port: 9090 allowAllUsers: true cookie: secure: false domain: yourdomain.com publicAccess: false oauth: # IndieAuth # https://indielogin.com/api provider: indieauth client_id: https://yourdomain.com auth_url: https://indieauth.com/auth # or your authorization endpoint callback_url: https://vouch-subdomain.yourdomain.com/auth
See Also
- mediawiki-customization for how this is configured on this wiki
- Vouch