
From IndieWeb
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relationship status is a profile feature popularized by MySpace and Facebook silos that allows users to indicate on whether they are in a (presumably romantic) relationship and optionally with who.

IndieWeb Examples

Martijn van der Ven

As part of his “Facebook should not contain more information about me than my own homepage” plan, Martijn van der Ven added his relationship status to his h-card on during IndieWebSummit 2017 (2017-06-25).

The data is marked up as a relationship-status property on the microformats object.

Silo Examples

More example likely available on


Facebook has a relationship status feature that has gone through several iterations, and was notable for their addition of "It's complicated".



When MySpace still had social profiles, it had at least the ability to indicate whether not you were in a relationship.


Shane Becker How should we markup our "relationship status" in our bios? For example,

 Shane Becker is in a relationship with Anneke Hiatt.

I'm thinking something like this:

  • Shane Becker : .h-card.p-name[rel-me]
  • "in a relationship" : .p-relationship-status
  • Anneke Hiatt : .h-card.p-name[rel-sweetheart]

Is there already research around this? Is there already a proposed or defined spec?

(Shane Becker, 2013-07-30T14:55-0700)

Somehow, I missed the microformats wiki-page about this:



See Also