
From IndieWeb
(Redirected from emails)

Help welcome people who are going to an IndieWebCamp (IWC) by sending them a message before IWC.

Two Weeks Before

Hi [given-name]!

We're looking forward to seeing you at IndieWebCamp!

Here are a few things you can do to get ready and make the most of your time at IndieWebCamp:

  • join the IndieWebCamp chat or Slack and introduce yourself!
  • fill out the event guest list with additional info about yourself, such as what projects you're working on, etc.
  • attend the next Homebrew Website Club if there is one nearby

One Week Before

Hi [given-name]!

We're looking forward to seeing you soon at IndieWebCamp!

Here are a few things you can do to get ready and make the most of your time at IndieWebCamp:

  • join the IndieWebCamp chat or Slack and introduce yourself!
  • fill out the event guest list with additional info about yourself, such as what projects you're working on, etc.
  • Local weather forecast

Two Days Before

Hi [given-name]!

We're looking forward to seeing you soon at the [IndieWebCamp City Year]! Here's what you can look forward to for the next few days.

It's going to be (weather word)!

The forecast this weekend predicts it will be from the [low F degree]s up to [high Fahrenheit! ([low C]-[high C] Celsius!) Be sure to drink lots of water!

Friday Pre-Party

Time: Friday at 7:00pm
Location: [pre party venue name]
[pre party address]
[pre party venue name] has [venue food and drink description]! Drink tickets will be provided to registered attendees thanks to our sponsors! Come find me or another organizer to get your drink tickets. I'll be wearing an IndieWebCamp t-shirt.


The doors open at 9:00am on Saturday! Please arrive promptly so we can get you checked in and ready to start the day!

Time: Saturday at 9:00am
Location: [indiewebcamp venue name] [indiewebcamp venue address] We'll have a light breakfast available [breakfast summary] as well as plenty of coffee.

Feel free to reply if you have any questions. See you soon!

[organizer name]
[organizer URL]


See Also