issue tracker

From IndieWeb
(Redirected from yak)

An issue tracker is a place to post and discuss issues like bugs & feature requests.

IndieWeb Examples

IndieWeb community members that use an issue tracker on their personal site:

  • add yourself...


Software you can use to host your own issue tracker:

  • issuesapp - a simple issue tracker, compatible with GitHub issue tracker.

Silo examples


  • GitHub provides an issue tracker for each repo


Jira provides an issue tracking / project management service.

Screenshot of a txt conversation about Jira and how they use post-it notes for issue tracking / project planning Jira itself, instead of using Jira for Jira


TODO: Capture brainstorming starting at

After the above discussion, there were undiscussed suggestions to generalize from "issue" to "request" or "todo".

Vendan: [...] I'd almost steer towards a more generic noun then issue, like request. You could have feature requests, bugfix requests, even patch requests(with code patch attached). Also opens it up to making requests on people instead of projects, which would be an interesting idea

  • The ^^^ above IRC discussion appears to be nearly completely theoretical handwaving. I'd advise anyone actually interested in trying to solve this problem to start by actually posting some of the elemental types of content involved on their own site with permalinks, e.g., before solving "issue tracker", I challenge you to prove your real-world interest by first:
    • 1. post reply posts on your own site in reply to GitHub issues, and then POSSE them to GitHub. Only two people are doing this currently:
    • 2. post a new issue as a reply post on your own site in reply to a code repo on GitHub (or an indieweb site that has a code repo itself per previous point). Only one person is doing this currently:
    • 3. post code to on your own site, and then POSSE it to GitHub. A few people are doing this:
    • ... start with those three to start understanding the problem space, because otherwise all talk of naming "issue" vs "request" vs "todo" is just timewasting bikeshedding, and all other abstractions being discussed are essentially architecture astronomy. - Tantek 16:46, 20 August 2015 (PDT)

Discourage antipatterns

An issue tracker would ideally discourage various antipattern behaviors in issues, or at least raise a higher bar for prioritizing / doing them. E.g.


Discourage bikeshedding (as referenced above)

yak shaving


See Also