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IndieWebCamp Cambridge 2015 planning and organizing.
- Need another co-organizer, I am too far out of town to do everything.
Ben Roberts
- Figure out food
- Contact 2014/Cambridge sponsors (ESRI/aaronpk, Tim Owens, Mozilla/Tantek), and ask Sandro if he has budget to help with:
- Tim Owens has said that they should be able to sponsor one or possibly two meals. He suggested possibly breakfast one day and Chipotle catering on day 2. That seemed to work out okay last year.
Ben Roberts
- Breakfast Day 1: Dunkin Donuts catered - Reclaim Hosting
- Lunch Day 1: self-host lunch at cafeteria downstairs food trucks nearby.
- Group Dinner Day 1: Mozilla - 320.
- Breakfast Day 2: Whole Foods catered - ESRI
- Lunch Day 2: Chipotle Catered - Reclaim Hosting
- It looks like
Aaron Parecki won't be joining us in person so we need to figure out a plan for streaming / Live interaction.
- Get update on exact location from
Sandro Hawke, currently assumed to be same as last year. Need to update 2015/Cambridge, 2015/Cambridge/Guest_List, and Main_Page if room changes.
- Find Sponsors
Post Camp To Do
- Session notes to wiki! Archive all Etherpads to wiki pages linked from the 2015/Cambridge/Schedule
- Capture demos to wiki! Write up who / what domain / what was shown / any permalinks of results of demos, both at the start (from IRC log to: 2015/Cambridge/start-demos), and the finishing "what we built" demos (from IRC log to:2015/Cambridge/hack-demos)