Birthday events (birthdays) was a session during IndieWebCamp MIT 2016.
Archive of notes taken in http://etherpad.indiewebcamp.com/events
2016-03-14 13:00 EDT Indie Events, RSVPs, Invitations, UI - We ended up talking about birthdays
- Tantek.com: I post RSVPs on my own site, want to post events and eventually invitations as well
- Ben.thamtustbe.me: I am in the exact same spot as tantek.
- Satra: I use google spreadsheets!
- mlncn: Uses Known which can post events but this is the first one ever: https://mlncn.withknown.com/2016/indiewebcamp-mit-2016 (date and time are not given a provided format)
- Use-case: your own birthday, and people that know you on the IndieWeb, being notified of your birthday, wishing you Happy Birthday on your own website.
- tantek uses facebook.com/events as a his facebook homepage, as it's a better UI than any calander system
- one can separate private and public components on indieweb using logins
- Tantek prefers to message people rather than write on their Timeline (formerly wall) so as to be sending a personal message rather than performing for the recipient's publics
- Aside: Translate feature of everything people write to you is really cool, people are probably more comfortable writing in their own language.
Events Reader: e.g. https://facebook.com/events - shows a box in the top-right of today's birthdays and upcoming birthdays this week, and birthdays of the past two days, links to:
- Today's Birthdays
- photo/name, age (sometimes), text input box to "Write a birthday wish on his Timeline...", and View Friendship
- Upcoming Birthdays (for the week)
- each person in a small box (hover-card enabled on their name & photo)
- How would I IndieWeb publish my birthday?
- How would you find out about someone's birthday on the IndieWeb?
- We need an IndieWeb equivalent "events reader" similar to fb.com/events
- benthatmustbe.me would want to see all their birthdays in his calendar, whether gained from their site or entered himself
- Or find out about it from your own site and calendar where you have added them at some point (ok to copy because birthdays don't change)
- How would you wish someone a happy birthday on the IndieWeb?
- I would go to their contact page and message them from there - Tantek
- Feed of birthdays from which can send message in any way, text on phone for a close friend, facebook for someone who uses facebook, their web site for indieweb
- ics/ical (standard format viewable in Thunderbird Lightning, Apple Calendar, Google Calendar, etc). Problem with that is not extensible, hard to implement.
Issue of public and private information: Do you know who is invited