
From IndieWeb

Drupal was a session during IndieWebCamp MIT 2016 about getting started with and improving a Drupal indieweb site.

Archived from: http://etherpad.indiewebcamp.com/drupal


Jessica is in a band in Rhode Island, it has a Joomla web site, and she is now taking over.


Is able to edit the rehersal 'list' page, but doesn't know how to work with much else. Contacted the webmester to tell her of the need to post more content, webmaster said she wanted to switch to Drupal.

Does not do e-mail newsletters, nor Facebook events. People put up fliers, word of mouth

Post to web site, push out to Facebook and Twitter would be cool.

Demonstration of user management and structured content (creating and relating different content types, defining fields of various types in Drupal.

Installed Drupal core on https://simplytest.me/ for the demo (gets wiped in 24 hours)

Ann: Also need for structured content. Looking at Known. Amy and i have worked on this sporadically.

Ben Melanรงon will be working on simple webmention for Drupal 8, having checked in with Dan Feidt (hongpong) who added webmentions to https://www.drupal.org/project/vinculum for Drupal 7, and has now posted a plan for Drupal 8: https://www.drupal.org/node/2687129

See also