
From IndieWeb

Indie Reader was a session at IndieWebCamp Berlin 2017 discussing basic ideas behind an indiereader.

Notes archived from: https://etherpad.indieweb.org/indiereader

IndieWebCamp Berlin 2017

Session: Indie Reader

When: 2017-11-04 11:45



What do people use now?

  • Feed readers
  • Twitter/Facebook

plumbing likely can be solved (adapting feed formats, silos)

different use cases for long-form feeds vs microblog-like things

what people want for social:

  • publishing, like/reply
  • clearer display of person writing content -> more important (twitter/FB like display)
  • learning filters, getting rid of noise and pulling out important things (maybe adapt spamfiltering)
  • recommendation engine could be outside and network with others

See Also