
From IndieWeb

Safety was a session at IndieWebCamp Düsseldorf 2019.

Watch: ▶️ 49:47s

Notes archived from: https://etherpad.indieweb.org/safety

IndieWebCamp Düsseldorf 2019
Session: Safety
When: 2019-05-11 15:50




  • I would love to check in to everywhere I go, but I don't feel safe doing that
  • realtime checkins and publishing them becomes a way to stalk someone
  • tried checking in privately on my site at first, then making them public later

Three levels of privacy

  • before they are in a relationship they post whatever
  • when in a relationship then you become more sensitive
  • when you have kids, then you become completely paranoid about posting
  • Swarm has only checkins for friends, but IndieWeb members often post them publicly on their own site, which is more vulnerable.

There are two kinds of privacy too:

  • Person to person privacy (I don't want X to know I am there)
  • Person to company privacy (I don't want Facebook to have my data)

Facebook is saying they will care about privacy. They mean person-to-person. We are running away from person-to-company privacy violations, but run straight into very open person-to-person privacy (as long as we don't have private posts etc.)

Unintentionally sharing information about other people by checking them in with you at an event, or they are in the background of a photo

Dietary preferences maybe should be default vegan and "progressively enhanced" to include other foods. Maybe same approach for privacy? Default to no photos allowed, unless opted in.

aaronpk is public by default, Charlie is snark by default. ;)

See Also