Syndicating was a session at IndieWebCamp Düsseldorf 2019.
Watch: ▶️ 50:50s
Notes archived from: https://etherpad.indieweb.org/syndicate
IndieWebCamp Düsseldorf 2019
Session: Syndicating
When: 2019-05-11 15:50
Rosemary Orchard
- Andreas
- Flaki
- Voss.co
- Dirk
Jeremy Keith
- Add yourself here… (see this for more details)
frustration with Instagram which downscales your images before it goes to your profile, and thus OwnYourGram
Bridgy and syndication / backfeed as essential
Twitter data export recently improved a lot! - https://twitter.com/cabel/status/1121610739133734912
Jeremy is talking about Tantek Çelik being locked/banned on Twitter.
He could see what
Tantek Çelik had recently posted - what was the reason for being banned? A running post?
Remy is considering syndicating to Twitter, and then deleting it after a certain period of time.
People are doing that.
Rose knows someone with a 7 day example.
Use-case for deleting tweets after a certain time:
- there are trolls harrassing (especially women) for very old posts, trying to get them fired (e.g. Christina Warren - @film_girl)
- news sites embedding your tweets without permission
Right to delete yourself online vs right to forgotten
Jeremy Keith: posting to twitter from you own site, is a healthier relationship, you are more in control
You can fix spelling mistakes on your site, even after you've POSSEd to Twitter.
Twitter has no archive navigation, or filter
Facebook coping strategies
- Rose setup a page and uses Jetpack in WordPress to POSSE to it.
- Jeremy used to have a simple IFTTT to cross-post to FB, considering setting up a new page
Medium coping strategies, *if* you have an existing following:
- caveat: no backfeed from Medium
If you don't, why bother?
If you don't already have a following on Medium, do you want to encourage people to follow you there?
"You should stop feeding those machines."
Problem of Mastodon users still posting separately on Twitter, Facebook etc.
You want to not miss out on conversations
Your website can be you, all of you. You can syndicate as fine-grained as you want. Send only some subset of stuff.
Jeremy has his primary @adactio that he's had since 2006 which is now all original posts (except for replies). Now has separate twitter accounts for @adactioLinks etc for those parts of his site