
From IndieWeb

Syndicating to Other Websites was a session at IndieWebCamp NYC 2019.

Video: ▢️ 34:00s

Notes archived from: https://etherpad.indieweb.org/syndication

IndiewebCamp NYC 2019
Session: Syndicating to Other Websites
When: 2019-10-05 15:15



Three ways of doing things:

  • POSSE: Community-wise, we beileve that we should post on our own website and then syndicate to others for more control; microblog can do this for you, you have microblog pulling your feed, it goes into twitter, fb pages; it's cross-posting
  • PESOS: Or post elsewhere, and pull into your website:
  • Manual until it hurts

Bridgy: More DIY - when your post goes up, you have to tell them which to follow Micro.blog: syndication is included if you're already paying for an account; but if you already have your website, then you can syndicate there for a different fee OwnYourGram silopub

See Also