Discoverability, Aggregation, & Heterogeneity was a session at IndieWebCamp SF 2019.
Notes archived from: https://etherpad.indieweb.org/polycroppingsocial
IndieWebCamp, SF 2019
Session: Discoverability, Aggregation, & Heterogeneity
When: 2019-12-07 11:40
- Eril Ezerel
Johannes Ernst
Chris Aldrich (remote w/o stream)
- Add yourself here⦠(see this for more details)
Anchor Points on Social Media:
- People - we know how to do that: follow, not follow, ban
- Topics -- we don't know how to do that (well)
- Economy -- how many "likes" can somebody issue
Different types of Likes
Thesis: "If we had the ability to locally innovate in algortihms (e.g. on your own IndieWeb site) we'd not see a lot of the problems that (centralized) social media has today"
- If people had a variety of tools for implenting algorithms on their own site, they'd likely have a number of options and could change the freely at will so that they could find what suits them at the time.
- I'm in line at the grocery store and want to catch up on some quick photos
- I've got an hour or two to sit and actively read longer pieces
- I want to spend 30 minutes scanning bookmarks to find something to read later in the day.
- What has my family been up to this week
- What is happening with regard to my hobbies x,y,z