2019/Session proposals
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If you have session ideas for IndieWeb Summit 2019 that you'd like to capture beforehand, please add them here!
Copy paste this: * {{name}} session title/hashtag. More description. or * [http://yourname.com name] session title/hashtag. More description. and add any more thoughts/comments in nested bullets.
Session Ideas
Jacky AlcinΓ© Ephemeral Profiles for the IndieWeb. #EphemeralHcards
- I'd like this session to be about providing authorization to people without an IndieWeb-friendly site to one's site. The primary objective is to allow for access to private posts for those on silos or other platforms.
- Recommended Reading: AutoAuth, private posts
- Jamey Sharp Taking syndication beyond news and microblogs #BeyondMicroblogs. IndieWeb tools cover use-cases like microblogging very well. But with a shift in perspective, much of the same technology could work for other applications. One use case which I care about is webcomics.
- Recommended Reading: Plaidophile: Keeping it personal, RFC5005 "Feed Paging and Archiving"
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