
From IndieWeb

Comments Replies and Responsibility was a session at IndieWebCamp Austin 2020.

Notes archived from: https://etherpad.indieweb.org/whosincharge

IndieWebCamp 2020 Austin
Session: Comments Replies and Responsibility
When: 2020-02-22 14:00



Maintaining comments on your blog can be difficult and draining and is a barrier to keeping up the energy to blog.

Sometimes people post things that are factually inaccurate.

Sometimes people target others because of their big readership

Tantek: People also seem to target those more vulnerable. Women are attacked online much more often than men. Similarly URMs are attacked much more often online than white people.

Jack: When I first joined Twitter, felt like I had to reply right away. Not so much any more.

Grant: years ago on Twitter I used to reply back and forth with people, not so much any more

Jack: If someone @-mentions you on Twitter, do you feel responsible to respond quickly or not?

Grant: not anymore

Greg McVerry I still engage in weekly twitter chats, scheduled one hour chats that have a Q/A format, a lot of replies, my issue is syndicated decontextualized replies. Then I follow more hashtags than people.

Jack: My concept in email or chat used to be "I have to respond now". If someone is actively behaving badly, worst case, coordinated things.

Jack: How do you mitigate being targeted? E.g. on micro.blog?

Jack: Is it your responsibility to deal with the people in your comments?

Jack: I like the idea of pausing.

  • +1
  • Cornelius: What are the primary reasons people don't have comments?
    • I'll give one, a comment is someone else's content, but it's in your space.
    • I remove native comments from Known because of spam. Didn't install the Askimet plugin
    • They are tehcnincally hard to install if you aren't using a commercial CMS

Cornelius: People no longer worry about what content they attach their real name to, e.g. with Facebook comments embeds.

Tantek: Anil Dash wrote a blog post about the responsibility of having comments from others on your website

Cornelius: What tools would help me do this? What tools can I have that give me leverage? Are there filters?

Jack: Part of the good thing of webmentions is that if I'm going to post trash, I have to post trash to my own space.

  • Agree being from your own website and connected to webmentions rather than social media will make people behave more
  • Yet if someone had moderated webmentions and they were used as an attack vector moderating is still emotionally taxing

Tantek: There's also more awareness of the problems of tone-policing, and silencing of less privileged voices.

Grant: There's a growing awareness of consent in the past few years in online networks.

Grant: I can close my browser window, but I can't stop my phone from ringing.

Jack: I know I'm a white male dude that doesn't face the problems / challenges that a lot of people face, because of my privilege.

Grant: There's also the problem of context collapse.

Justine Sacco tweeted something offensive and got on a plane. By the time she landed, there was a large mob of people waiting for her at the airport to harrass her. https://www.nytimes.com/2015/02/15/magazine/how-one-stupid-tweet-ruined-justine-saccos-life.html

Jeanie: At micro.blog there is a culture that you do not need to reply to something right away. Especially if you have a global conversation. You can not do that synchronously

  • Grant: Yeah and with people ADD they will move on to the next fire
  • Jack: And if it is important to you will come back. How do we build in pauses.

Grant: As a counter example two people were saved from a trafficking crime because of quick response on Metafilter.

Jack: Maybe don't post something that's funny but offensive?


Cornelius: The web, it's free speech but not free reach.


Articles about commenting, responsibility, curating:

See Also