2020/East/Create Day Intro
Create Day Introduction was the opening session of Day 2 at IndieWebCamp East 2020.
Notes archived from etherpad: https://etherpad.indieweb.org/2020-East-Projects on 2020-11-17 at 1:38 PM Pacific
IndieWebCamp East 2020
Session: Create Day Introduction
When: 2020-11-14 10:00 AM Eastern
David Shanske
Chris Aldrich
- Sue Hanen
- Tracy Durnell
Antonio Rodrigues
- Peter Molnar
- Alejandro Arias
Dmitri Shuralyov
Jack Jamieson
- Ton Zijlstra
- Raphael
- Maxwell Joslyn
- Hamish Campbell
- SimonW
- Carla Paloma
- jaenis.ch
Jeremy Felt
Early Demos
There were no demos at the start of the day.
Potential Mini-sessions
WordPress Help
- Need help IndieWebifying your WordPress site or have questions? Come join us in the "Orange Room".
- Participants
Chris Aldrich
Sue Hanen
- Tracy Durnell
- Jeremy Felt
- Want to learn how to wikify yourself and make a sparkline template? Join us in the "Orange Room" for a walkthrough.
- Participants
Chris Aldrich
Sue Hanen
- Tracy Durnell
(Potential) Serverless Indieweb options
- Participants
- raphael
- My existing architecture is an S3 bucket full of static files, with a little swarm of functions that listen for events to keep them up-to-date. By using the infrastructure description language Terraform, I'm able to build collections of specialized infrastructure that can easily be deployed and managed as a unit. One of my next challenges is to build a webmention receiver endpoint and to migrate my build process from Hugo to a web function. I'm using AWS, but I'm more interested in talking about the architecture in a vendor-agnostic way
(Potential) User Outreach Strategies
- Participants
- raphael
- A thought experiment: if we somehow already had every piece of indieweb technology finished, and the onboarding process took only one click, would that be enough to get most people to migrate out of silos? If not, how can we give the human elements of social media as much focus as we give the technical elements?
WordPress Themes
- Fixing up Post Kinds Templates to work with micropub on personal site; Drafts App actions for QT. Look at mf2 plugin.
- Participants
- miklb
Jekyll IndieWeb
- Depedency updates, look at accessibility issues.
- Participants ==
- miklb
Variable Fonts
- How to Use Variable Fonts @ 8:30 am pst / 11:30 am est
- (I'm making an animated poem)
- Showing anyone who's interested how to find, load, and use variable fonts.
- Participants
Project ideas people indicated they were work on
David Shanske
- Handling a few big fixes
- Helping people who need WordPress Indieweb help
- Seeing if I can display my own Weather Station data on my site as a precursor to using it in posts
Jack Jamieson
- Finishing HTML version of my IndieWeb focused dissertation
- If time, badgering gwg to catch me up to speed on Microsub ;)
Jeremy Felt
- Wrapping up a day 1 blog post
- Thinking about having an actual home page instead of an archive of posts
- Taking a look at some theme markup, how it aligns (or doesn't) with block editor markup
- Start poking at some ideas for block specific web mentions
Dmitri Shuralyov
- Tried to find a way to visualize "direct mention" axis of notifications in his personal website's notification center. Explored linear-gradient CSS and some other ideas.
Chris Aldrich
- Continuing work on converting the WordPress Davis theme to make it more IndieWeb friendly
Antonio Rodrigues
- Getting Bookmarks on IndieKit (https://github.com/getindiekit/indiekit) working with my Hugo powered website
Tracy Durnell
- continued to work on the wordpress theme "Spacious" to be more IndieWeb friendly
- Content.php
- added p-name to the class of the post entry title
- Single.php
- added u-photo to the class of the author image
- Content-single.php
- added e-content to entry-content class
- header.php
- added p-name to H1 class "header-post-title-class"
- Updated 'Intro to Variable Fonts' to include learning resources
- Added Variable Fonts page to wiki
- Added 'Intro to Variable Fonts' portfolio item to sarah-hibner.com
Sue Hanen
- Working on h-card stuff
- Had many WordPress questions regarding finding my way around Wiki, webmentions, indiewebify