
From IndieWeb

IndieWeb Tooling was a session at IndieWebCamp San Diego 2024.

TODO: add video once archived

IndieWebCamp San Diego 2024
Session: IndieWeb Tooling
When: 2024-12-07 16:50



  • Indiewebify.me
  • Indieweb.rocks
  • Protocol branding


Python setup is hard and a barrier to contribution

  • IndieWebify.me is PHP based
  • indieweb.rocks is Python
  • Angelo Gladding stood up indieweb.rocks
  • Want to work collaboratively rather than having multiple stagnating projects
  • Joe Crawford opened a PR recently to add some tests to Indiewebify.me
  • gRegor Morrill has done some partial migrations of the PHP framework off of the existing deprecated one.
    • Looking for other people to carry that further
    • Right now this is blocking but we could see if we can update to PHP 8 without changing the framework
  • There are lots of github issues for new features
  • We could refactor some of the templates so that there isn't much logic in the template files
  • Indieweb.rocks checked a website for a representative h-card and a few other pieces
    • Checked headers for IndieAuth/webmention endpoint

https://ragt.ag/indieweb-rocks (source code)

  • We do link to a lot of other services
  • Could potentially remove features like sending webmentions
  • May be hard for someone to pick between a list of external services they don't know
  • We could have the UI still in Indiewebify.me but have it call another service like Telegraph


See Also