
From IndieWeb
(Redirected from Drupal IndieWeb plugin)

Drupal is a popular open source content management system with excellent plugins for IndieWeb use.

How to

Configure IndieWeb Drupal module

Ravi Sagar created a relatively short YouTube video walk through of the IndieWeb Drupal Module:

How to Markup Drupal for IndieWeb

See Benjamin Melançon’s excellent step by step article:

IndieWeb Examples

Benjamin Melançon

Benjamin Melançon's site agaric.com uses Drupal and supports key IndieWeb markup building blocks for IndieAuth (rel=me), authorship (h-card), and readers (h-entry) since at least 2015-11-11.

Dries Buytaert

Dries Buytaert, the creator of Drupal, has been self dogfooding on https://dri.es/ since ????-??. He's been exploring POSSE and other related building blocks:

Kristof De Jaeger

Kristof De Jaeger's personal site https://realize.be/ is built on Drupal. From the humble start of supporting webmentions with webmentions.io integration, Kristof (also known as swentel) has been putting almost all of the building blocks into the impressive and still improving IndieWeb integration module for Drupal 8. (More about it in the Tools section below.)

Ravi Sagar

Ravi Sagar Drupal 8 site is using the Indieweb module for notes, checkins, replies, likes and issues. Content posting and social interactions are done through the site's interface, Indigenous mobile app and Monocle. Site is using brid.gy to syndicate content to Twitter and Github, responses are sent back to the site and displayed on the individual nodes.

IndieWeb Tools

Current module(s)

  • IndieWeb module for Drupal 8 - exposes webmention, micropub, microsub and indieauth endpoints. Adds microformats to your content and feeds. Webmentions can be send and various blocks are available to expose received webmentions, RSVP's .. Users can authenticate with their domain too. Release candidates right now, first stable expected february 2019. (see also article below by Kristof De Jaeger)
  • Linkback - Drupal 8 module with support for Webmention, Pingback, Trackback and Refback
    • 2017-12-04 HongPong released the alpha version of the Linkback module for Drupal 8.

Past module(s) (maintenance state unknown, much functionality superseded by above current modules)


Sessions about Drupal at IndieWebCamps:


See Also