IndieWeb Secret Santa
IndieWeb Secret Santa is a potential, online, async, future event, where the people exchange the gifts between each other based on the random assignment.
IndieWeb Secret Gregory (Spring Secret Santa) 2025 - online gifts
Organiser: Sara JakΕ‘a
In the first part of the year 2025, there is going to be IndieWeb Secet Santa run. For this one any requests and offers are open.
The tentative dates
- The call for participation - until 19th of January 2025
- The gift assignments - until 26th January 2025
- Check in - the week between 24th February and 2th of March
- Gift deadline - 12th of March
If you can not finish the gift by the deadline and need more time or you need to drop out, contact the organiser on any of the contact options listed on their website as soon as you know.
How to participate
You can volunteer by either answering this form or sending an email with the answers listed on the call for participants by email.
Ideas for Requests/Offers
If you don't know what to request or offer, here are some possible ideas:
- Blog post on the certain topic
- Writing a tutorial on a certain topic
- Making an infographic on a certain topic
- Making a video on a certain topic
- Editing a blog post
- Editing a photo
- Cowritting a blog post or some other page
- Coediting session for a blog post or some other page
- Help with personal website CSS
- Creating an mascot for the blog
- Helping design a part of the website
- Make an editing suggestions for the website
- Make an accessibility suggestions for the website
- Creating an icon
- Helping implementing some feature in the other person website
- Writing a code for a script/wordpress addon/service for automating some task
- Correcting the bug in the codebase of the service they are using
- Editing a wiki page in the IndieWeb wiki to make it more readable
- Adding information to the wiki page about a certain topic
- Starting a wiki page on a topic
- Helping brainstorm ideas for writing/design/code/...
- Make a person host an event
- Debugging a problem on the website
- User testing of part of the website
- ... add other ideas
How to
After picking the time we want to do it, we open the call for the participants. After the deadlines for the call for participants, the matching is done and each person get their match that they need to create something for. This person can indicate what they want to receive and what they don't want to receive and the person is asked to try to adhere to this if possible. This needs to be done by the deadline and dedicated to the gift participant.
This event needs somebody to run it and that person is responsible for the matching of people and telling them how they are matched.
Open Questions?
If you have an opinion on any of this questions or you have some other you want us to discuss, please put it below.
Is December the best time for this?
Considering we are already running Gift Calendar in December, some other month might be a better fit for an event like that. Are there any other significant events, that are connected to the IndieWeb?
What kind of submission is welcome?
Considering the breath of the people in the IndieWeb, maybe it makes sense to either restrict it to the blog posts or to have separate events for wiki, blog post, design and code submissions. Or maybe some others as well.
Better name?
The Secret Santa was taken from the already existing fanfiction events, that served as inspiration. If anybody has a better name, please recommend it.
New Names Recommendations
- ... (add your suggestion here)
Alternative ideas
- The Secret Santa could also be done by sending physical gifts/letters/postcards between members of the IndieWeb community.
Interest check
If you are interested in an event like that, put you name on the list.
Sara JakΕ‘a
- ... (add yourself)