
From IndieWeb
(Redirected from XOXO 2018)
XOXO 2018 is a festival … in Portland, Oregon that had several IndieWeb related meetups!
  • See XOXO for the most recent (or next upcoming) conference by the same name.


General discussion about the conference and related topics happens on the conference Slack team:

Conference registrants receive instructions to join by email.

IndieWeb Participants

IndieWeb Related Sessions Meetups

Adjacent Events

Blog Posts



and in particular:

And feel free to add more!

Lots of IndieWeb folks at XOXO Social, mostly seated at several tables at Cup and Bar cafe IndieWeb folks at XOXO Social, Cup and Bar cafe, mostly standing and having animated discussions including Kevin Marks, Jean, gRegorLove IndieWeb folks at XOXO Social, standing at Cup and Bar cafe having discussions IndieWeb folks at XOXO Social, standing and posing for a photo just outside Cup and Bar cafe, including Matt Lee, Kevin Marks, a few Creative Commons folks

See Also