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blockchain is a technology in search of a problem to solve, pushed by ideology into areas where the unsolved problems aren’t technological. (via @SimonSapin quoting Decentralized Long-Term Preservation)
A more idealistic description, paraphrased from Decentralized Web Summit:
… [blockchain is] the first open membership consensus algorithm [i.e. that anyone can participate in] ever invented.
- Criticism: "anyone can" certainly seems conceptually (theoretically) true, and even practically true upon first deployment of such (eco)systems, however any such system with sufficient uptake seems to make "anyone can" aspect much less true in practice. e.g.
- bitcoin#Criticism - numerous, e.g. now depends on access to subsidized electricity.
- namecoin#Issues - one person controls 75% namecoin compute power
Set of criteria for a "blockchain" vs. a "ledger":
- 2017-12-26 : Is my blockchain a blockchain? (archived), another set of criteria for “blockchain”.
Introduction to blockchain and bitcoin:
- Steem - a "blockchain-based social media platform" - misfocused because plumbing is less important than UX, and ironic because deduplication (user level, not bit level), one of the biggest problems in distributed social media, is worse with blockchains or any static (like content addressed) storage
Excessive power consumption
- "I have an idea for a data structure, hear me out.
A linked list where every node contains a hash of all the data in the nodes behind it, and every time you want to add a new node, you need about 200.000 other computers to say ok and consume the power equivalent of a small nation" @olafurw May 6, 2018
- "I have an idea for a data structure, hear me out.
- "used for the blockchain. We still have no idea what it does. However, GPUs and ASICs are still screaming Numberwang at one another to make buttcoiners "money" they cannot exchange for any of the accepted scrips. Their incessant mining also causes mini brown outs every couple" @ComradeEevee February 27, 2018
See more power consumption criticisms:
Criminal in practice
The only demonstrated use case for blockchains is scamming people.
@khuey_ March 5, 2018
- 2018-03-29 Futurism: Mailchimp is Shutting Down ICO and Blockchain-related Emails, and People Are Freaking Out
The promotion and exchange of cryptocurrencies is too frequently associated with scams, fraud, phishing, and potentially misleading business practices at this time. It’s important to note that this update to our policy does not prevent the discussion of related topics in messages sent through our platform. For example, journalists and publications may send cryptocurrency-related information as long as they’re not involved in the production, sale, exchange, storage, or marketing of cryptocurrencies.
cryptocurrency is the single factor that created the ransomware plague that is ravaging our healthcare system and public infrastructure.
@smdiehl 2021-05-21
Killed or being killed by GDPR
AKA Typical blockchain use (any personal data connected to a human, like a account or other identifier) violates GDPR
- 2018-05-18 The Next Web: GDPR laws force promising blockchain service to shut down
The Parity ICO Passport Service (PICOPS) has announced it will close doors later this month on May 24 as a result of the restrictive nature of GDPR.
- 2018-05-21 Parity Forced to Shut Down ICO Passport Service (PICOPS) Due to GDPR
Parity, the wallet and blockchain provider, is shutting down its PICOPS platform effective May 24, 2018, due to complications stemming from the new EU GDPR guidelines. The company announced the decision in a blog post on its website on May 18.
- 2018-05-21 Bitcoin in Brief Monday: New EU Rules Kill Another Crypto Venture
“GDPR creates new and untested challenges when storing personal information on the blockchain. These challenges make running a service like PICOPS more difficult. We are looking at ways of resolving the uncertainty and making PICOPS compliant with GDPR while keeping it useful. However, as things stand, the solutions we have identified restrict the service to a very limited set of features. Because of this, the significant resources required to make PICOPS GDPR-compliant, and the fact that PICOPS is not part of our core technology stack, we have decided to discontinue the service, despite overwhelming market needs and demand.”
- 2018-05-21 Parity Forced to Shut Down ICO Passport Service (PICOPS) Due to GDPR
- 2018-04-30 Infoworld: GDPR may well kill enterprise blockchain databases
If you’re even remotely familiar with blockchain, you know that the GDPR requirements run contrary to its core architecture. A blockchain is an unchangeable historical record that’s distributed across many computers. This means that once a record is written to a blockchain, it can’t easily or feasibly be deleted or altered.
- 2018-05-09 Can blockchain’s immutability survive GDPR’s right to be forgotten?
The blockchain, however, is an entirely different form of database. You can’t physically remove the records without regenerating the blockchain again from that point — and the principle of a blockchain expressly prevents you from doing that. You could have transactions further down the chain that annotates or marks suspect data, but the base data will still remain. An individual can still suffer damage because the data exists in some form. Essentially, you cannot “delete” from the blockchain in the same way that you can from virtually any other sort of database.
- 2018-05-21 #IRMS18 Can Blockchain be Compliant with GDPR?
[detailed explanation follows].Looking at the key principles, she rated Blockchain against the principles of Article Five of the GDPR
- 2018-05-07 Will blockchain run afoul of GDPR? (Yes and no)
…Blockchain, which has taken the business world by storm, is an online electronic distributed ledger technology that can create an immutable record for recording a history of transactions; therefore, if blockchain were to be used as a type of database to transact with PII, it would by default run afoul of GDPR rules. Blockchain ledgers can be added to, but information on the network cannot be modified or deleted.
…Gerry Stegmaier, a partner in the IP, Tech & Data Group of Washington-based law firm Reed Smith, said blockchain's greatest attribute – its characteristic as an unchangeable record that creates trust and a perfect auditing trail – could also be its biggest downfall from a rules perspective.
"Regulators are unlikely to accept the argument that somehow blockchain is exempt from GDPR strictures because a defining feature of distributed ledgers is the impossibility of deleting data, such that it cannot be deployed in a way that enables data deletion," … "Those kinds of arguments haven't resonated well with regulators."
…personal data should never be stored on the blockchain, and a lot of people don't understand that and continue to do it for all sorts of use cases.
- 2018-05-01 Will privacy be a stumbling block for blockchain?
Aside from HIPAA in healthcare and a bevy of existing industry-specific and over-arching privacy rules and regulations that could call into question the use of blockchain, the biggest issue is expected to emerge as the European Union's highly impactful General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) comes into effect this month [May 2018].
Since GDPR will affect any company with customers in the EU and impose heavy fines on those organizations that violate this compliance, many experts are considering how blockchain might complicate data privacy either by allowing information to be too easy shared or limiting the ability for companies or consumers themselves to remove or erase their data from a purportedly unalterable ledger.
“A blockchain is essentially a shared record of past activity that is unchangeable,” says John McLeod, chief information security officer for AlienVault. “The potential privacy issues occur with how a company would process the data of that shared record and with Data Subject Rights under GDPR, as the shared record cannot be changed, Data Subject Rights are limited.”
Hence, McLeod, a panelist on a recent International Association of Privacy Professionals session on this topic, believes that in the immediate future any company affected by GDPR might have privacy concerns or issues with blockchain.
- thread
- "1/ Suffering from disorientation and cognitive dissonance around blockchain and Bitcoin. It’s time to stop the craziness." @timbray February 12, 2018
(worth expanding whole tweetstorm inline as paragraphs here)
- "In my eight years covering the tech industry, I've covered some incredibly hyped tech: cloud, mobile, social, big data, Internet of Things. But I've never seen anything with a worse substance to hype ratio than the blockchain. Not even close." @klintron March 5, 2018
- 2018-03-25 "(first person to say blockchain loses)" @SarahJamieLewis March 25, 2018
- 2018-05-17 Forbes: Massive Consensus Conference Succumbs To Blockchain 'Echo Chamber'
…The problem: most of the noise around both blockchain and crypto is little more than the community talking to itself – a massive ‘echo chamber’ that in its final analysis promises no lasting business value for its participants.
Most of the blockchain/crypto community of vendors simply offer products and services to other members of the same community – money-making in the short term, but of questionable long-term value.
On display: plenty of crypto wallets, crypto trading platforms, blockchain consulting firms, tools for crypto investors, crypto law and accounting firms and the like.
What these companies are not taking into account is the fact that the only reason there’s any money available to such businesses at all is because of speculative interest in cryptocurrency as well as in initial coin offerings (ICOs), the novel way for such companies to obtain funding from speculators while attempting to sidestep security laws.
In other words, the entire blockchain/crypto community – not just Bitcoin – is in the midst of a massive, complicated speculative bubble.
- 2016-01-05 : On the dangers of a blockchain monoculture (archived), trying to define what sets a “blockchain” apart from other ledgers, Certificate Transparency, etc. Discouraging the hype around just “blockchain” as a descriptor.
Lack of usefulness humor
See Also
- to-do: abstract generic cryptocurrency content from this page and bitcoin and create a new cryptocurrency page accordingly
- to-do: extract NFT-specific content from this page and create a new NFT page accordingly
- bitcoin
- Ethereum
- namecoin
- Misconception "saves academic websites" (unnecessary, script use of Internet Archive to make an archival copy)
- "I have found a problem that blockchains can solve: academic web sites. FAR too many institutions nuke home pages after people graduate/leave and doesn't have it all" @supersat June 18, 2018
- Criticism: Unnecessary
- "The question that destroys 99.9% of blockchain app pitches: why is this better than using Postgres?" @bhudgeons July 26, 2018
- "I don't understand the blockchain hype.
A startup has certified my artwork & placed their verification on the bitcoin blockchain.
Now art dealers & auctioneers can feel secure that I am the original artist.
One small problem… I am not Leonardo da Vinci" @edent June 11, 2018
- "I don't understand the blockchain hype.
- Why Cargill’s “blockchain-based” turkeys obscure more than they reveal
- "yeah I'm not sure it needs to have anything to do with blockchain." @bentossell December 23, 2018
- 2019-02-06 Bruce Schneier / WIRED: There's No Good Reason to Trust Blockchain Technology
- Vint Cerf:
- "Simple flowchart:" @vgcerf July 19, 2018
- Criticism: 2019-02-28
- "No: Don't fall for the blockchain hype...really what's it do a decent encrypted database doesn't? Are there some industries that might benefit from a string of data stuck in a ledger humans can't read? Maybe...but I just can't make it tonight.
Would like to go and learn but as you listen ask yourself where are the actual in the wild use cases.
Is this is the most resilient approach? Can we access this data 20, 30, 300 years from now? What about energy? Do I need to use this many resources to save a simple text file?" @Greg McVerry February 28, 2019
- "No: Don't fall for the blockchain hype...really what's it do a decent encrypted database doesn't? Are there some industries that might benefit from a string of data stuck in a ledger humans can't read? Maybe...but I just can't make it tonight.
- "The more I think about blockchain technologies, the more I think that we are just consuming CPU cycles and energy and just accelerating global demand for energy which will inevitably result in global warming. Great job all you crypto-currency people, you are killing us all :P" @dissolve333 April 2, 2019
- preparing students to debunk it when employers ask for it; thread:
- "Covering blockchain voting in my election security class feels like having a syllabus in an organic chemistry class devote three lectures to alchemy just so that the students will know what to say when their future employers expect them to turn lead into gold." @mattblaze April 4, 2019
- singleton
- Criticism: thread:
- "FAQ:
Q: Doesn't the Blockchain solve--
A: No." @mattblaze September 8, 2017
- "FAQ:
- Follow-up on that artist claim from Terence:
- "Somehow, this company have raised $2.5m.
Wonder if the investors paid out in cryotocoins?" @edent October 10, 2019
- "Somehow, this company have raised $2.5m.
- Criticism: blockchain companies make false claims (pretty bad when you claim to be in the business of unfalsifiable data) 2018-03-19 TechCrunch: Sierra Leone government denies the role of blockchain in its recent election
- 2020-08-21 Blockchain, the amazing solution for almost nothing
- Criticism: libertarian anti-environmentalism:
- "The only problem blockchain solves is “how do we make a handful of libertarians wealthier while destroying the environment?”" @aral November 2, 2020
- Criticism: not decentralized, just "copies of the same database"
- "If we want security/privacy, we don’t need blockchain. We need topologically decentralised networks. So not a billion copies of the same database (blockchain) but a billion, two billion, three billion databases in different places each owned/controlled by individuals." @aral November 2, 2020
- Criticism: mysterious death(s) 2019-11-14 WIRED: The Strange Life and Mysterious Death of a Virtuoso Coder / Jerold Haas was on the brink of blockchain riches. Then his body was found in the woods of southern Ohio.
- Criticism: developer advocates are inconsistent with asking for it vs what they actually do:
- "Developers: Immutable blockchains are good for you!
Also developers:" @justin__richer February 2, 2021
- "Developers: Immutable blockchains are good for you!
- 2021-03-11 NFTs: crypto grifters try to scam artists, again
- 2021-04-29 NYTimes: The World Knows Her as ‘Disaster Girl.’ She Just Made $500,000 Off the Meme.
^ did the sale of the NFT burn more carbon than the burning home in the photo?… sold the original copy of her meme as a nonfungible token, or NFT, for nearly half a million dollars.
The meme sold for 180 Ether… - Criticism: 2020-08-06 Mozilla blog: By embracing blockchain, a California bill takes the wrong step forward.
- Criticism, use for "decentralized identity" / "decentralized identifiers" (AKA DID) is bunch (94+) of different backends, nothing actually "standard" by any meaningful way of "interoperability":
- Criticism: Microsoft shuts down Azure blockchain: 2021-05-12 ZDNet: Microsoft is shutting down its Azure Blockchain Service / Six years after its initial launch, Microsoft's Azure Blockchain as a Service is going to be shut down this September.
- “A standard dedicated entirely to copying another standard on defining identifiers and verifying ownership of them found it too difficult to implement the “verify ownership” part of the standard.” Is Blockchain Ready for the Enterprise?
- Criticism: 2021-09-10 Financial Times: Inside the cult of crypto
“Crypto is essentially an economic cult that taps into very base human instincts of fear, greed and tribalism, combined with economic illiteracy as a means to recruit more greater fools to pile money into what looks like a weird, novel digital variant of a pyramid scheme,” argues Stephen Diehl, a crypto-sceptic software engineer
- "I don't know exactly what kind of brainworm it is that makes most people who are coming into mentions of crytypocurrentseas and NTFS to be So About Them that they mention them in their Twitter bios, but on the plus side it makes them real easy to block." @Foone September 28, 2021
- Criticism:
- "The theory that anonymous electronic payments using bearer tokens is going to eliminate dystopia or unethical behavior is frankly idiotic; we're awash in ransomware, facilitated by your techno-utopia, at the moment. And have you seen assassination markets?" @bobblakley September 27, 2021
- Criticism: 2021-09-27 NBCNews: Bitcoin miners align with fossil fuel firms, alarming environmentalists / When people don’t see pollution, they don’t think it’s there,” one expert said. / Why environmentalists are alarmed this Pa. power plant is powering Bitcoin miners
- "The developer behind the NFT project, 'Evil Ape,' suddenly disappeared along with its Twitter account, website, and $2.7 million." @VICE October 5, 2021
- Thread explaining NFT grift is essentially analogous to Star Registry scams, with extra step of exchange for tokens which enrich existing owners of those tokens.
- "Lets finally talk about how NFTs are a giant scam. (1/) 🧵" @smdiehl October 6, 2021
- ^ in particular highlighting how NFTs are a mechanism for exploiting hopeful artists to quietly enrich existing cryptocurrency holders:
- "Artists are like hamsters in a wheel that powers a giant casino for crypto bros to gamble on these signed URLs in the hopes that they can flip their purchase around to greater and greater fools for a profit. (11/)" @smdiehl October 6, 2021
- "Artists are like hamsters in a wheel that powers a giant casino for crypto bros to gamble on these signed URLs in the hopes that they can flip their purchase around to greater and greater fools for a profit. (11/)
- ^ example of illegal "wash trading" grift enabled by and in active use in NFT markets:
- "And the market for these exhibits some strange behavior. We see a lot of cases where:
Person A buys an NFT for $10.
Person A sells it to Person B for $10,000.
Person B sells it to Person C for $100,000.
Person C sells it to Person D it for $10,000.
(13/)" @smdiehl October 6, 2021
- "And the market for these exhibits some strange behavior. We see a lot of cases where:
- ^ per
- "In the above scenario Person A, B, C are the same person shuffling money between anonymous accounts. And Person D is a sucker tricked by artificially fake demand.
This is known as wash trading and it's illegal in most other markets. (14/)" @smdiehl October 6, 2021
- "In the above scenario Person A, B, C are the same person shuffling money between anonymous accounts. And Person D is a sucker tricked by artificially fake demand.
- 2021-10-15 The Verge: Valve bans blockchain games and NFTs on Steam
- NFT humor by Alexisgay:
- Criticism: mentioning NFT, blockchain, cryptocurrency in resume harms hiring prospects:
- "If I see "NFT" or "Blockchain" or "cryptocurrency" on a resume, I don't think the candidate is a good hire for the company, because they have impaired judgment. But HR is usually good at screening those resumes and we never receive any like it. Also the job is bad, no one applies" @SmackAppleTwo November 6, 2021
- IRS wants you to declare your NFTs:
- "Cryptobros: yeah, NFTs, they're the new money, they're real financial assets
IRS: ok
Cryptobros: no wait not like that" @scattermoon November 7, 2021
- "Cryptobros: yeah, NFTs, they're the new money, they're real financial assets
- Criticism "There is nothing inside of a bitcoin that can be used for anything other than to offload it on someone else who will buy it for more than what you paid for it." "The Intellectual Incoherence of Cryptoassets" a discussion about NFTs in September, I read that most of the marketplaces were “open source and tracking free.” Being a competent user of my browser’s development tools, I decided to check, and unsurprisingly, the opposite was true. OpenSea, Zapper, and Zerion were saturated with ad-tech.
- Criticism: 2021-11-21 The Hill: Separating crypto's facts from lobbyists' fiction
If both Congress and regulators fail to restrain crypto assets going forward, then we’re in big trouble.
- Financial Times: Cult of Crypto
- Criticism: cryptocurrencies rife with wash trading: 2021-11-25 New Scientist: Most cryptocurrency trades may be people buying from themselves / An analysis has found that wash trading, a form of market manipulation, is rife on unregulated crypto exchanges
- ^
As many as seven in 10 cryptocurrency trades on the world’s most popular but unregulated exchanges may be people buying from themselves to artificially inflate prices, according to a new analysis.
- Criticism: actually centralized:
- "Also, dapps, or decentralized apps, aren't truly decentralized, since they have an authoritative publisher (even if they can be forked). It's no more decentralized than an open source project, especially since the front ends are almost always centralized." @KardOnIce December 30, 2021
- Criticism (similar to GDPR problems) — bad for usability, UIs benefit from undo, not irrevocability:
- "Finally, immutable operations is a terrible model for end-user applications. This might be great for internal data structures, but as an end-user, being unable to "undo" is a huge issue." @KardOnIce December 30, 2021
- ^
- "Private key gets hacked or lost? Congratulations, you just lost all your assets, money, and possibly data. Accidentally post something publicly? Well, you can't remove it." @KardOnIce December 30, 2021
- ^
- "This is the thing: all those apps are centralized, as both the hacks on BadgerDAO and MonoX show (including BadgerDAO stopped its "smart" contract)." @KardOnIce December 31, 2021
- ^
- "In BadgerDAO, an exploit in the front end led to private keys being stolen, in MonoX, an exploit in the "smart" contract led to funds being stolen. All these are centralized apps that use decentralized as a marketing slogan." @KardOnIce December 31, 2021
- Brian Eno criticism of NFT:
- "Brian Eno on NFTs" @michael_deforge December 20, 2021
- "Brian Eno on NFTs
- Selling NFT farts is a thing apparently: 2022-01-04 90 Day Fiance star who made £38,000 a week selling farts in a jar hospitalised: ‘I thought it was a stroke’
… clients will no longer be able to own the physical jar of Stephanie’s gas, but they will be able to purchase them as digital artworks on the blockchain.
- Criticism: 2022-01-10 NBC News: NFT art sales are booming. Just without some artists' permission. / NFTs were hyped as a way to make sure artists get paid for their work. Now, many creators are struggling to stop a wave of piracy.
- Criticism: blockchain solutionism doesn’t actually solve the hard "last mile" problems of identity, security, provenance: 2022-01-13 VICE: People Building ‘Blockchain City’ in Wyoming Scammed by Hackers / The attack was the latest done over Discord and is a growing concern for the vast majority of DAOs and NFT communities that live there.
The ease with which funds were stolen and a community duped—most of the ETH transfers happened in the space of one hour—suggests that building a city on the blockchain might not be the wisest endeavor if you’re also using a gaming chat application to do everything.
- A MetaFilter user tried to give an analogy to the Discord problem that is refered to in this scam:
In case it's not clear to nontechnical people, the 'security breach' described in that quote is the scammer saying "hey I want you to prove that's your house, I need to look at your housekey for a minute" and the cryptobro responding "sure! Here you go!" and then blaming Schlage for the resulting robbery.
- Criticism: domain registration scams that are in practice much worse than anything to do with DNS: thread:
- "Brilliant scam.
Get all the InfoSec Twitter people to rush out and participate in some blockchain auction to “protect their names.”
Like a blue check legitimacy wave “everyone’s doing it so let’s hurry” is the scam.
Not playing but thanks for trying." @k8em0 January 17, 2022
- "Brilliant scam.
- ^ nested tweet:
- "Pretty sure it’s a blockchain thing & we might have to blockchain it up which is the point. They want us all bought in. It buys legitimacy.
I’m going to pass on this amazing opportunity to get in on the ground floor of my own name as either a tld or as k8em0.eth or whatever." @k8em0 January 17, 2022
- "Pretty sure it’s a blockchain thing & we might have to blockchain it up which is the point. They want us all bought in. It buys legitimacy.
- 2022-01-22 : Line Goes Up - The Problem with NFTs (video 2:18:22)
- A long video that is a good dive into blockchain technology and the problems it introduces, particularly focused on NFTs.
- NFT Criticism: popular "BAYC" (Bored Ape) NFTs based on racist, antisemitic, and nazi origins:
- "This confirms a lot of things I suspected from the start about those apes." @xavierck3d January 27, 2022
- "This confirms a lot of things I suspected from the start about those apes.
- How to integrate NFTs into games, thread:
- "I've been in the video game industry for 25 years.
I've partnered with AAA publishers and one person indies.
I launched the first in-game currency on PlayStation.
I also put God of War's Kratos into Mortal Kombat.
Here's how you should integrate NFTs into games: ⤵️" @natethenate January 29, 2022
- "I've been in the video game industry for 25 years.
- Criticism: more evidence of washtrading: 2022-02-04 Engadget: Traders are selling themselves their own NFTs to drive up prices
- What three-card monte can teach you about NFTs
- Criticism: 2022-03-23 The Emperor's New Blockchain
- "man what’s the point of “we’re putting ourselves on THE BLOCKCHAIN” as an april fools joke. it’s obviously a fucking joke the other 364 days of the year too" @sarahjeong April 1, 2022
- Criticism: bad fit for actual problems/use-cases: 2018-06-04 ▶ Blockchains Are a Bad Idea (James Mickens) (YouTube, 14:33)
- Criticism: YAGNI even for SSI: 2022-07-08 SSI-on-Blockchain is Objectively a Bad Thing
- Criticism: blockchain is to decentralization as radioactive toothpaste is to dental hygiene:
- Criticism: "smart contract" was mistaken naming/framing:
- "To be clear, at this point I quite regret adopting the term "smart contracts". I should have called them something more boring and technical, perhaps something like "persistent scripts"." @VitalikButerin October 13, 2018
- Humor:
- "I think we can all agree that the problem with the Torment Nexus was that it was centralized, which is why we're introducing the Torment Blockchain." @rechelon May 3, 2023