
From IndieWeb
(Redirected from canopy)

The Canopy is a decentralized social platform and the canopy project implements IndieWeb technologies to this end.

Live Examples




  • simple install — one command deploys a site
  • Git — all of an identity's data is stored in version control
  • GPG — a keyring is managed transparently
  • Tor — a hidden service is managed transparently
  • TLS — certificates are provisioned automatically from Let's Encrypt



The most recent versions of all resources + metadata are stored in a SQLite database as JSON under Full Text Search (FTS) mode. Local results are shown to all searchers. DuckDuckGo results are paired on the page when logged in as owner.

OpenSearch is supported. Using it you can register your site's search endpoint in your browser so that searches through your address bar are routed through your website.