comment reactions

From IndieWeb

comment reactions are a feature of several silos that allow users to tap a hollow heart or other affordance next to comments on posts to like a specific comment or sometimes react with a limited set of reacji.

Silo Examples


Facebook was perhaps the first to provide the ability for people to like (๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป) comments displayed on posts, eventually expanding to allow a specific set of reacji.


GitHub has allowed users to react to comments on issues and pull requests for quite some time with a limited set of reacji that they expanded a bit over time.


Instagram implemented the ability to like (โค๏ธ) comments on posts sometime after ~2019.


Strava experimented a bit with various icons and settled on an initially empty heart (โ™ก) similar to Instagram as an affordance which turns into a deep red orange heart (๐Ÿงก) the same color as the Strava logo, since 2022-07. Unlike other silos, once "liked" you cannot unlike a comment.

See Also