Front End Study Hall #007 was an IndieWeb meetup on Zoom held on 2024-07-16.
Front End Study Hall #007
July 16, 2024
- Joe Crawford
- Template:Ros
- James
- Jah
- Joe Crawford's background today is of Jen Simmons' "Experimental Layout Lab" who was the first person I remember using YouTube to consistently share videos about design and CSS layouts.
- Joe Crawford's friend MAS sent jim Batman-Comic.CSS
- Simple does not mean easy:
- "_why the lucky stiff"
- He wrote The Poignant Guide to Ruby which is novel in technical communication for being a lot of fun to read and also educational about programming and Ruby
- Julia Evans zines explaining complicated computer stuff, super clear
- HTML as like Editors Marks sheet
- Efforts to Ban Encryption in the 1990s
- Book mention:Meganets: How Digital Forces Beyond Our Control Commandeer Our Daily Lives and Inner Realities by David B. Auerbach
- "Wherein wrapping text remains the hardest problem in computer science." by jwz
- Jen Simmons grid:
- We discovered by experimenting with an element by adding span 1000 to the value of grid-column Google Chrome seemed to create an implicit 1000 columns, would be interesting to know if it actually is doing that under the hood despite grid-template columns having a finite set of columns
- Heaps and Stacks opening page has an interesting animation on its main page:
- It uses - a technnology sponsored by AirBnB which turns Adobe After Effects tools to create json data that defines animations processed by JavaScript, and can be used to create animations for other platforms.
- And we had a participant who came in with more general questions about IndieWeb concepts