
From IndieWeb

Front End Study Hall #022 was an IndieWeb meetup on Zoom held on 2025-02-25.

Front End Study Hall #022

February 25, 2025


Joe's Zoom Background

Dark Mode Discussion

User Scripts

  • Eric showed his user scripts which spin elements on the page using rotate - really fun art
  • ViolentMonkey
  • What's the difference between a user script and a bookmarklet?
    • They are very similar! Both can alter the page by injecting HTML, JS, and CSS to accomplish layout changes or functionality

Current IndieWeb Carnival

Conversation RSS β†’ LaTeX & MathML & MathJax

And then, about "local first," syncing, hosting

  • Frameworks:
    • React Svelte Vue

How to teach kids about websites? How to let them play on a site, export from codepen, can use GitHub to Netlify workflow.

  • Glitch is great - can be slightly glitchy - does require identity
  • Kids may have Chromebooks - can use usb sticks?
  • Teaching web longevity?

Links from the Front End Study Hall To Study List

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