
From IndieWeb

Front End Study Hall #010 was an IndieWeb meetup on Zoom held on 2024-09-12.

Front End Study Hall #010

September 12, 2024



Link Checking and Linters and validators

  • w3c link checker - suggested by Tantek Γ‡elik
    • running on capjamesg's site as a demo
    • 300 typos recently fixed, hopefully no broken links
      • cheated -- checked it yesterday!
  • artlung used a tool called: linklint (
    • it's in homebrew (!)
    • brew install linklint
    • does not appear to work with https sites (it's a 23 year old perl script)
    • linklint -http -host
    • other examples: wget, etc
    • Joe Crawford will put out a call for link checking tools that work on a local set of files
  • how does local development work with link checkers?
  • XML/XHTML horror stories
    • embedding HTML code from elsewhere often breaks validation
  • Always worthwhile to mention
  • React vs. small pages
  • Legacy software
  • Pages with a reliance on JavaScript
    • curlability
    • Discussion of Cloudflare and tooling to prevent bad actors from abusing your website as a network resource

Full Width Images with narrower content discussion

Optimizing Performance Discussion

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