photo comment

From IndieWeb

photo comment is what a photo reply looks like in the context of the original post that it is in-reply-to.

multi-photo comment

Similarly, a multi-photo comment is what a multi-photo reply looks like in the context of the original post that it is in-reply-to.

IndieWeb Examples

Examples of IndieWeb sites/posts showing photo comments on their posts!

Multi-photo comment examples



Bridgy supports backfeeding Facebook photo comments (#646) and Twitter photo @-replies.

Silo Examples

Silos that support photo comments.


Facebook supports photo comments, e.g. (permalink needed)


Twitter supports photo @-replies, that is, @-replies with a photo attached, e.g.

Twitter also supports multi-photo reply posts, that is replying with multiple photos (up to 4), e.g.

See Also