April 8-15, 2022
Recent Events
From events.indieweb.org/archive:
Topics discussed include:
- About pages, Now pages and colophons
- Plant microformats
- Refining the Guiding Compass event concept

Upcoming Events
From events.indieweb.org:
The first HWC of the month, let's talk bigger picture IndieWeb, beyond our personal websites. The “guiding compass” is a twist on a standard HWC with an emphasis on community collaboration. This is a new, evolving format.
New Community Members
From IndieWeb Wiki: New User Pages:
User:Jonathanjewell.dev author brownfield
Created by Jonathanjewell.dev author brownfield on Wednesday and edited 1 more time
Top New Wiki Pages
From IndieWeb Wiki: New Pages:
CSS Naked Day
CSS Naked Day is an event on April 9th of each year where participants delete or disable the CSS on their website, to show their content in its raw form.
Created by Boehs.org on Saturday with 11 more edits by www.ciccarello.me, loqi.me and tantek.com
IndieWebCamp Düsseldorf 2022, the seventh IndieWebCamp in Düsseldorf, is on 30 April and 01 May 2022, before the beyond tellerrand conference and Accessibility Club Meetup #11.
Created by Tantek.com on Tuesday with 9 more edits by marcthiele.com, loqi.me, david.shanske.com and www.kevinmarks.com
The 1980s was a decade before the web existed, until 1989 when it existed only in a conceptual proposal.
Created by [tantek] on Friday with 5 more edits by tantek.com, loqi.me and aaronparecki.com
guiding compass
guiding compass is an operative term used to describe a different and experimental format for homebrew Website club meetups that aim to incorporate a bit more structure and give more points for conversation.
Created by Jacky.wtf on Thursday and edited 1 more time
Top Edited Wiki Pages
From IndieWeb Wiki: Recent Changes:
- static site 7 edits by www.ciccarello.me and tantek.com
- remote participation 6 edits by tantek.com and david.shanske.com
- Google Lighthouse 5 edits by boehs.org, loqi.me and tantek.com
- 1990s 5 edits by loqi.me and tantek.com
- chat-names 5 edits by boehs.org, aaronparecki.com, petermolnar.net and tantek.com
- verified 5 edits by loqi.me and tantek.com
- temporary shutdown 5 edits by boehs.org, jacky.wtf and tantek.com
- doomscrolling 4 edits by loqi.me, www.kevinmarks.com and tantek.com
- cryptocurrency 4 edits by loqi.me and tantek.com
- 2012/Simple Indie Web Messaging Stack 4 edits by aaronparecki.com and tantek.com