April 19-26, 2024
Recent Events
From events.indieweb.org/archive:
Front End Study Hall #001 was an HTML + CSS focused group meeting. We had a terrific turnout and lively participation by published authors and a child. Check out the notes collaboratively written on the Etherpad on the IndieWeb wiki.

Upcoming Events
From events.indieweb.org:
Join us online in Zoom for demos of personal sites, recent breakthroughs, discussions about the independent web, and meet IndieWeb community members! Homebrew Website club is for all levels and areas of IndieWeb interest, whether curious, creative, a coder, or all the above.
Front End Study Hall is an HTML + CSS focused group meeting, held on Zoom to learn from each other about how to make code do what we want.
Come prepared to teach and learn!
- FÜRTH, Bayern: Fab Lab Region Nürnberg e.V.
HWC Nuremberg is a in-person meeting for everybody who is interested in setting up a personal website and talk about web-related issues.
Join us online in Zoom for demos of personal sites, recent breakthroughs, discussions about the independent web, and meet IndieWeb community members! Homebrew Website club is for all levels and areas of IndieWeb interest, whether curious, creative, a coder, or all the above.
- DÜSSELDORF, Nordrhein-Westfalen: Düsseldorf city libraries
IndieWebCamp Düsseldorf 2024 is scheduled for 2024-05-11…12, the weekend before btconf Düsseldorf 2024, at The City Library on Saturday, and Organizers are looking for local suggestions for a Sunday venue!
Tickets are now available, grab one and book your travel arrangements!
Join us online in Zoom for demos of personal sites, recent breakthroughs, discussions about the independent web, and meet IndieWeb community members! Homebrew Website club is for all levels and areas of IndieWeb interest, whether curious, creative, a coder, or all the above.
Join us online in Zoom for demos of personal sites, recent breakthroughs, discussions about the independent web, and meet IndieWeb community members! Homebrew Website club is for all levels and areas of IndieWeb interest, whether curious, creative, a coder, or all the above.
Join us online in Zoom for demos of personal sites, recent breakthroughs, discussions about the independent web, and meet IndieWeb community members! Homebrew Website club is for all levels and areas of IndieWeb interest, whether curious, creative, a coder, or all the above.
Join us online in Zoom for demos of personal sites, recent breakthroughs, discussions about the independent web, and meet IndieWeb community members! Homebrew Website club is for all levels and areas of IndieWeb interest, whether curious, creative, a coder, or all the above.
- FÜRTH, Bayern: Fab Lab Region Nürnberg e.V.
HWC Nuremberg is a in-person meeting for everybody who is interested in setting up a personal website and talk about web-related issues.
What We’re Reading
From news.indieweb.org:
New Community Members
From IndieWeb Wiki: New User Pages:
Vanitas Gloam Pronouns: he/they Just a nerd trying to become independent on the web. https://gloam.place/ Chat Nickname: vanitas_gloam
Created by Gloam.place on Tuesday and edited 3 more times
Top New Wiki Pages
From IndieWeb Wiki: New Pages:
Front End Study Hall
Front End Study Hall is an HTML and CSS focused IndieWeb popup meeting focused on markup, styling, design, layout, and accessibility in a loose format where participants come to learn and teach.
Created by Artlung.com on Wednesday and edited 5 more times
New Event Notes
From IndieWeb Wiki: New Pages:
Front End Study Hall: 2024-04-24
Homebrew Website Club - Pacific: 2024-04-24
Top Edited Wiki Pages
From IndieWeb Wiki: Recent Changes:
- travel 7 edits by loqi.me and www.ciccarello.me
- site-deaths 7 edits by gregorlove.com and tantek.com
- trip 4 edits by www.ciccarello.me
- Planning 3 edits by scoutaloud.net and alabut.com
- 2024/Düsseldorf 3 edits by paulrobertlloyd.com and tantek.com
- transit 2 edits by www.ciccarello.me
- Google Pay 2 edits by gregorlove.com
- marginalia 2 edits by loqi.me and artlung.com
- Wordle 2 edits by btrem.com
- events/2024-04-17-hwc-europe 2 edits by toddpresta.com