October 18-25, 2024
Recent Events
From events.indieweb.org/archive:
Front End Study Hall is an HTML + CSS focused group meeting, held on Zoom to experiment and learn with the basic building blocks of the web. All skill levels welcome.

Upcoming Events
From events.indieweb.org:
Join us on Wednesday 6th November for the Fourth OpenUK Digital Meetup, our online-only event for OpenUK community members.
- BERLIN, Germany: Mozilla Berlin
The ninth IndieWebCamp Berlin is the weekend after Beyond Tellerand Berlin 2024 with two days of independent open web talks, BarCamp breakouts, and hack sessions with demos! Bring your website or setup a new domain on the spot. Complimentary tickets are available!
- NÜRNBERG, Bayern: LEONARDO – Zentrum für Kreativität und Innovation
HWC Nuremberg is a in-person meeting for everybody who is interested in setting up a personal website and talk about web-related issues.
Find us on the 2nd floor, in SG302.
- SAN DIEGO, CA: Burn All Books & Friends Gift Shop
The second ever IndieWebCamp San Diego with two days of independent open distributed web talks, breakouts, and hack sessions. Bring your website or setup a new domain on the spot.
- NÜRNBERG, Bayern: LEONARDO – Zentrum für Kreativität und Innovation
HWC Nuremberg is a in-person meeting for everybody who is interested in setting up a personal website and talk about web-related issues.
What We’re Reading
From news.indieweb.org:
New Community Members
From IndieWeb Wiki: New User Pages:
Created by Kiko.io on Tuesday and edited 9 more times
Created by Swduncan.com on Thursday
Created by Travissouthard.com on Wednesday
Top New Wiki Pages
From IndieWeb Wiki: New Pages:
featured tags
featured tags is a feature of personal and group publishing sites that allow the author to choose a small number of hashtags to display on their home page, profile page, or tags page.
Created by [tantek] on Monday with 6 more edits by loqi.me, tantek.com, and www.ciccarello.me
Branch was a discussion service that was acquired by Facebook in 2014, and eventually shut down (2015) as predicted by Tantek Çelik in 2013.
Created by [tantek] on Sunday with 6 more edits by loqi.me and tantek.com
November is the 11th month of the Gregorian calendar year, the month of the popular National Novel Writing Month challenge among others, and a month where some sites display a seasonal fall or other holiday theme.
Created by [tantek] on Tuesday and edited 1 more time
Planning for IndieWebCamp San Diego 2024 was developed on the Planning page and archived here.
Created by Tantek.com on Sunday and edited 1 more time
rel-embed is a rel value for a page to link to a version of itself that is suitable for embedding in other pages, such a small contact card for an about page, or post content with authorship and date for post permalink.
Created by [tantek] on Friday
lando is a wrapper around Docker for local development.
Created by [mattl] on Tuesday
Welcome to the IndieWeb Gift Calendar! The 2024 IndieWeb Gift Calendar is the 8th annual group effort to gift (ship) one or more IndieWeb-related thing(s) each day of December that others can use to improve their IndieWeb experience.
Created by Gregorlove.com on Sunday
New Event Notes
From IndieWeb Wiki: New Pages:
Front End Study Hall #013: 2024-10-24
Top Edited Wiki Pages
From IndieWeb Wiki: Recent Changes:
- embed 23 edits by tantek.com, loqi.me, www.lazaruscorporation.co.uk, mat.tl, and www.benji.dog
- 2024/Berlin 12 edits by tantek.com
- 2024/SD 9 edits by boffosocko.com, artlung.com, tantek.com, and www.ciccarello.me
- sitemap 6 edits by gregorlove.com and www.ciccarello.me
- banner image 6 edits by www.lazaruscorporation.co.uk, tantek.com, and dead.garden
- National Novel Writing Month 4 edits by tantek.com and mat.tl
- Planning 4 edits by tantek.com
- pop-up 4 edits by artlung.com
- 88x31 3 edits by tantek.com and www.benji.dog
- Heroku 3 edits by tantek.com