
From IndieWeb

A sitemap is a list of pages on a website.



It can be easier to find the content you're looking for on a sitemap, since they are typically text-heavy pages and do not require navigating through a site which may be loading lots of Javascript or image content.

IndieWeb Examples

Zachary Kai (XML)

Anthony Ciccarello

Anthony Ciccarello has a human readable sitemap since 2024-10-25.

Zinzy Waleson Geene

Zinzy Waleson has a human-readable sitemap on (HTML)

Add yourself!

Add yourself here… (see this for more details)

Past Examples

Bret Comnes

Bret Comnes, archived example (XML)

Organization Examples

Examples of corporate or other organization sites with sitemaps.


Some sites have subsites, e.g. at subdomains, which have their own sitemaps.


Past Examples


sitemap microformat

See for the effort to develop a sitemap microformat to markup visible sitemap pages for semantic crawling and indexing, eliminating any need for a separate XML sitemap sidefile.

sitemap graphic

The [Internet Archive] has a sitemap graphic which shows the pages of a site by path segment.

Example: sitemap

Diagram of a website showing cocentric circles broken up by path with the innermost circle being the domain. The path for a recipe is highlighted showing how each segment of the url, like the category and date, divide the circle.
Graphic of

XML sitemap

There is also an XML sitemap file format:

However, this XML sitemap file is a sidefile that is subject to the same risks of feed files.

Why XML sitemap

XML sitemap indexing

Google Webmaster Tools suggests[1] creating an XML file in the format and submitting it with the claim that their crawler can "more intelligently crawl your site"[2]. Despite that, they also say that using a sitemap "doesn't guarantee you that all the web pages listed in your sitemap can be crawled or indexed".

XML sitemap unnecessary

Main article: sidefile-antipattern

On 2014-12-18, Aaron Parecki discovered that his sitemap.xml file had been empty, with no idea of how long it had been empty. Despite that, his content continues to be indexed by Google.

See Also