The opening IndieWebCamp 2014 Cambridge session.
IndieWebCamp leaders will lead you through:
- Announce: Welcome to the first IndieWebCampCambridge!
- Show Squarespace parody video
- Tell brief history:
- frustration with silos/site-deaths (unreliability, loss of content, UX changes, lack of features etc.)
- 2010 frustrated social web summit
- too much talk/email, not enough action, so...
- attendees
Aaron Parecki &
Tantek Γelik decided to focus on an "IndieWeb" instead, and
- with Amber & Crystal organized the first IndieWebCamp in 2011
- Show http://indiewebcamp.com/ home page and principles
- Note explicit decision to focus on
- personal site "scratch your own itch" doers, doing, selfdogfooding, demoing
- Overview of IndieWebCamp Two Days:
- day 1: intro/demos, lunch, brainstorming sessions, dinner
- day 2: day two hack sessions, lunch, hack sessions, demos
- Demos of what works on your site today
- Explanation of today (brainstorming sessions) vs tomorrow (hack sessions)
- Intro to how Barcamp sessions are scheduled: write THREE THINGS on a notecard:
- session name,
- your name,
- session #hashtag - used for tagging and etherpad.mozilla.org/indieweb-hashtag
- Session scheduling!
- Camp leaders call *start your sesssions* at start time
Video link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ioyudny4mp8 ...