Bookmarking (#bookmarking) was a session at IndieWebCamp Düsseldorf 2016
Archived from Etherpad: http://etherpad.indiewebcamp.com/bookmarking
Claudio and Jochen run a bookmarking site, https://konektom.org
You bookmark stuff and then it suggests other things you might like.
How could this work for POSSE or PESOS?
Now we (Jeremy, Aaron, Glenn, etc.) can keep using our own bookmarking on our own sites but also publish to this third-party service.
Bookmark posting interfaces:
- Lots of us use bookmarklets for this.
- But bookmarklets don't work on mobile.
- If a third-party site solved that problem, that's a good reason to use its posting interface.
So what bookmarking services do people use (or have used)?