Newbie Questions was a session at IndieWebCamp NYC2 2016.
Notes archived from: https://etherpad.indieweb.org/n00bie
Video at: https://youtu.be/Z-QXKtLpuSc?t=3m9s
- Warning: loud noise at 5:30s mark
When: 2016-08-27 13:30
- Larry http://larrykooper.com/ (session facilitator)
- Emma - http://emmahodge.org/
- Jess - http://www.jessicaklein.com/
- Dan http://www.dangillmor.com/
Tantek Γelik
- Atul - http://toolness.com/
- Aaron - http://aaron.jorb.in/
David Shanske
Related previous IndieWebCamp sessions and pages:
- how to get started
- Getting Started Page on indieweb.org
- what is 'Minimum Viable Product' for indieweb
- depends on the person! hence scratch your own itches
- where do people host
- if you have to change hosts how do you migrate content
- How do you put a tweet on your site and have it go to Twitter
- is it legal to use Tor?
- Why is Facebook on Tor?
- automatically backing up your site ?
Jessica's stuff - all the places that I have data that I don't own/control:
- Flickr
- Dribbble
- Yelp
- Google - maps, etc.
- Delicious
- Fitbit
- last.fm
- Spotify?
- Goodreads
- Blogs
What to do?
- Start with jessicaklein.com
- Can move data over part by part
- You can't do everything you want to - you need to prioritize the things that are most important
- make a personal site
- link to where you are elsewhere - or you can do POSSE, publish on own site and syndicate elsewhere
- Cluster, synthesize
- are there communities?
the term "personal web site" is on TV ads wix.com, squarespace
UI/UX is job 1