IndieWebifying your WordPress was a hack day introduction session at IndieWeb Summit 2017.
Notes archived from: https://etherpad.indieweb.org/indieweb-wordpress
Video at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X90kSOkHrkQ
When: 2017-06-25 10:00
- John Allsopp
Michael Bishop (remote)
- Scott Jenson
- Johannes Ernst
Lillian Karabaic
Ryan Barrett
- Jean MacDonald
- johnallsopp
- convert personal site from static HTML to Wordpress based one
- Johannes
- Wordpress site with indieweb plugins
- UBos - create turnkey linux package for wordpress w/indieweb
- anonolily
- debug foursquare to IFTTT to wordpress, maps are not displaying
- willing to abandoned IFTTT
- cleverdevil
- dreamhost, here to help with wordpress and learn from helping
- snarfed
- here to help
- Jean MacDonald
- Wordpress on Dreamhost, everything went away - start over with indifying
- ?
- 2014 SemPress was blocker
- content goals inform what you should do
- miklb
- test the mf2 (uf2) plugin with core themes, see where improvments can be made. Available for help via Slack/IRC for any WP indifying.
- Recent Experience: http://aaroncommand.com/2017/06/25/a-stream-of-consciousness-review-of-the-indie-webs-onboarding-experience-from-a-ux-standpoint/
- Scott Jenson
- I tried in 2014 (in indieWeb my WP blog) and gave up. I'm here to do it again but also to document what I've learned and add it to the indieweb.org page for others
Fresh Installs
- Get WordPress installed
- Install IndieWeb plugin
- Go to "Your Profile" under Users.
- Not currenty properly documented, but you should go here to set up your identities elsewhere, which will be converted to rel=me links.
- This is critical for relme auth to work!
- Its also not well documented that you should have the link back to your website from all of the silos where you are declaring rel=me.
- It would be even better to include this in the "onboarding wizard" to do the interrogation and verification as you're entering your rel=me.
- Under Appearance / Wigets, you can add the "rel=me" widget in your sidebar. Otherwise, it'll be added to your page in a hidden fashion.
- Go to IndieWeb -> Extensions. These are plugins that enable additional functionality.
- Start with Webmention. Install and then activate. Then, go to Settings -> Discussion and configure your Webmention settings.
- Then, return to the IndieWeb -> Extensions page and enable Semantic Linkbacks, which makes Webmentions look pretty. No settings. Yay!
- Then, install and activate Micropub. No settings for this either.
- Next up is Post Kinds, which enables you to create different "kinds" of posts. After you've installed and activated, there are many settings for this plugin under the IndieWeb menu to configure different Post Kinds. Sane defaults exist.
- Now, you can install and activate Syndication Links, which has some settings in the IndieWeb menu. This is for when you syndicate posts to other places, the permalinks to those things get addede to the original post.
- Last is Bridgy Publish, which makes it a bit easier for Bridgy to do Publish. We all agreed that this should be changed to be a plugin for registering with Bridgy.
- If you want Brid.gy, go visit the website and connect. Feedback from the room: Brid.gy is a little confusing on the front page. What is it? How do I sign up?
- Now, its theme time!
- Best choices are Independent Publisher and SemPress.