WordPress Shrug? was a session at IndieWeb Summit 2017.
Notes archived from: https://etherpad.indieweb.org/wordpress-shrug
Video at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mvWpm1JlNj4
IndieWeb Summit 2017
Session: WordPress Shrug?
When: 2017-06-24 14:00
hashtag: #wordpress
chat: #indieweb-wordpress (discuss)
David Shanske (session facilitator)
Jonathan LaCour
- John Allsopp
- Jack Jamieson
Michael Bishop
- Michelle JL
Lillian Karabaic
- Scott Jenson
Matthias Pfefferle
- Asher Silberman
Questions / Topics
- State of IndieWeb in WordPress
- Core support is nonexistant
- There are plugins (IndieWeb plugin, which also links out to a bunch of other plugins, including Webmention, Semantic-Linkbacks, Microformats2, Post Kinds, Micropub, Syndication Links, IndieWeb PressThis, Bridgy Publish)
- What is the canonical text to give people as an introduction for WordPress / IndieWeb?
- http://indieweb.org/Getting_Started_on_WordPress
- needs a rewrite to be more Gen2 friendly (will be handed at later session today)
- Are there some good themes for IndieWeb?
- SemPress (also responsive)
- ZenPress
- Independent Publisher (basic support)
- How will Gutenberg ( https://wordpress.github.io/gutenberg/ ) impact IndieWeb?
- Next Gen Editor for WP 5.0 (javascript heavy)
- content block based
- should be able to create own block types (example loction block)
- post-formats going to go away
- What's the best path forward to help accelrate adoption of IndieWeb in WordPress?
- Advocacy at WordCamps.
- Work with the Jetpack team to advocate for integration in Jetpack
- How much should we care about IndieWeb-ifying WordPress.com? And other similar locked down, managed WordPress hosts?
- Definitely a lot, but it should be built in, not bolted on externally like Bridgy's WordPress.com support, etc.
- Is there a way to structure my WordPress site to choose specific types of content on the "front page" and content segregated elsewhere?
- Yes! GWG gave a good answer, as did Snarfed.
- You can hide categories, tags, or post-kinds from the front page.
- Setup wizard/ onboarding - in indieweb plugin (Creating ActionItem below)
- What are the right questions to ask? What are the proper answers?
- Simplest universal approach: 1) what things do you want to create? 2) What things do you want to show on your home page?
- Alternative: Offer a few clear opens (Show everything in a stream vs Show everything in it's category (Known style)
- Mascot? Cat - teach/walk you through indieweb
- IndieWeb Wapuu ( https://github.com/pfefferle/indie-wapuu ) <- THIS!
- What are the right questions to ask? What are the proper answers?
- Is there a fix for issues with front page webmentions?
- Yes, there is a setting now in the Webmentions plugin (under Settings -> Discussion) that provides for this.
- DreamHost creating 1 click instatablle wordpress that integrates fully with micro.blog
Action Items
- GWG to create an issue for leveraging the Indieweb plugin as an onboarding engine for Gen 2 users.
- cleverdevil, Scott Jenson, and MichelleJL will spend some time tag teaming the UI/UX.
- Anomalily will write explainer blog post and/or docs.