
From IndieWeb

A non-profit for IndieWeb?! was a session at IndieWeb Summit 2018.

Notes archived from: https://etherpad.indieweb.org/nonprofit

Video: ▢️ 46:47s

IndieWeb Summit 2018
Session: A non-profit for IndieWeb?!
When: 2018-06-26 15:55



  • Jason McIntosh of the Interactive Fiction Technology Foundation
  • Jason McIntosh a nonprofit opens a door
  • Dori Smith I have helped a lot of 5013c and I am interested into organization
  • Jason McIntosh longevity is a goal of mine
  • Johannes Ernst We need more entreprenuerial out of the box solutions.
  • Greg McVerry board member of a few 501c3s, currently writing grants but has to contract with specific developers but would be easier to contract with an indieweb nonprofit. Worried about contributing to an organization with a board.
  • Forrest: Social corporation techpraxis.io (currently a placeholder site) was founded to help each other. We build co-operatives and worker communities. I don't like nonprofits. I am done with them. We are working to build a multi-stakeholder cooperative.
  • Fiona: I'm participating remotely so forgive me if I'm not doing this right :) but maybe look at RubyTogether for inspiration? https://rubytogether.org/ Yes! let us know if you want to virtually raise your hand.
  • Aaron Parecki Each event is run individually and the organizers are repsponsible for funding. I have been doing it through it personal LLCs, in Berlin it is through a company. I do a personal LLC as I want to avoid overhead. nonprofits, C-Corp is bigger, taxes get more complicated, would need insurance. I fear the longevity.
  • Greg McVerry The funding model used in tech will not work for #IndieWeb we should maybe consider co-op
  • Johannes Ernst Problems to solve
    • events+
    • tech development++
    • vendor/customer collaborative/governance++
    • larger grants/projects


Next Steps

  • Aaron Parecki Figure out what benefits from money and figure out process to determine how to fund those; some people in the community could build things faster if they had direct support
  • Jason McIntosh: Create a one page document explaining our missions and goals

Call to Action

  • If you would like get more involved in determining the governance model please add your name here:

See Also