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Private Posts was a session at IndieWebCamp Amsterdam 2019.
Video: โถ๏ธ 34:50s
Notes archived from: https://etherpad.indieweb.org/privateposts
IndieWebCamp Amsterdam 2019
Session: Private Posts
When: 2019-09-28 12:20
Sebastiaan Andeweg - session facilitator
Jamie Tanna
Tantek รelik
Marty McGuire
- ton
- emily
- taras
- Template:sonniesedge
Greg McVerry remote
David Shanske remote/lurking
Tantek รelik is not yet owning checkins as there's no capability for private posts on their website. They use Swarm so it's possible to restrict who can access it, and limit things down, especially as it's "incredibly timely location data" (
Marty McGuire)
Sebastiaan Andeweg shared the process of logging in to their own website, using their own website (confusingly!) with some new markup for private posts (indicated with little padlocks) showing i.e. /checkins
also can use /private on their site
This also is used for draft posts, as they're private with themselves
Question from the room: how are things shared? Seb can decide whether certain users can read it, or anyone who's logged in
Aaron Parecki: the maintenance task of managing who friends are and who aren't is pushing them away from this
Sebastiaan Andeweg: I allow checkins for everyone who's logged in
Greg McVerry Known has private, public, and members only posts.
Greg McVerry password protects some pages/posts and shares password privately
ton mentions it's nice to be able to shape how privacy can be worked aside from just "this is only for me" to more conversations
ton wants to look at certain levels of tweaking of content i.e. "my daughter" vs "<name>" depending on who is being talked to - would need to be some way of understanding that and sharing it IRL there's a conversation but other people can be listening (even if not intended)
Greg McVerry boyd's idea of context collapse when unattentend audiences listen
ton: How do we mimic the things we do as humans in person, and make them work online?
Template:sonniesedge mentions that some folks have different silo accounts for different intended audiences,
Val: want to be able to easily change ...
Sebastiaan Andeweg has the ability to edit their own posts when they're logged in as themselves, which only works for
Sebastiaan Andeweg
Sebastiaan Andeweg demos the way that they can add another audience member
Template:sonniesedge I generate my site statically and you need something dynamic for this.
Question to the group from Jamie Tanna: how to do this with static content?
Jamie Tanna you could maybe do it client side
- Template:sonniesedge but that kind of goes against how I want to publish
Visibility: private
- or "unlisted" - not on any list / home page, but if you know the URL, you can go to it (https://indieweb.org/unlisted)
- "public" is the default
- Example of private Known post: https://quickthoughts.jgregorymcverry.com/2019/09/28/private-post-test needs a better description, content is there you can't see it
Tantek รelik wants to have a private post to allow for drafting
Aaron Parecki mentions about what to do with the publish date - date that it was first created, or date that it was actually pushed live
Jamie Tanna has drafts on Git branches and then pushes it live with the latest date when it's ready to go live
revision history isn't likely shared with folks
- WordPress kind of works the way
Tantek รelik is describing or is that more "draft" than private
Tantek รelik uses and
on changes
- This would be neat if it was automated
Jamie Tanna has git history once they're in a nice way, but rewrites the history up until the publish date because it's generally horrible and not helpful!
Conversations around redirects to allow both the draft URL and the published URL
Val: What does everything thinks about privacy online?
???: Privacy is what each person's personal approach. What are different ways that you can make your own belief about privacy known, and act upon it with different solutions.
Sebsel: it's nice to have checkins, and I want to have them. Still debating whether I want to use Swarm, though it is working fine for now. If I manage it in this way, it is data about my, stored by me, controlled by me.
Conversation around the security / safety aspect of the checkins - for some folks (marginalised or otherwise) you don't want to announce where you are at a very specific location + time
One option is to make sure that it's published later i.e. 10 days later
Greg McVerry I keep my checkins unlisted but public, try to use them more to track family events
- couldn't resist checking into the session: https://quickthoughts.jgregorymcverry.com/2019/09/28/yes-talking-private-post-as-remote-attendee-to-indiewebcamp-amsterdam
ton: I publish as a way to let folks know that I'm coming to town
seb: two kinds of privacy person-to-person privacy and person to business
val: ... and person to government privacy. I want to put as little content online as possible.
Ton spent a lot of time fighting online shopping / etc when expecting daughter, going to extreme lengths to avoid it (see https://www.forbes.com/sites/kashmirhill/2012/02/16/how-target-figured-out-a-teen-girl-was-pregnant-before-her-father-did/)
Tantek รelik: You can put out a profile of yourself that'll allow others to piece together a view of yourself _that you want_ them to see