2019/New Haven/gradebook
(Redirected from 2019/New Haven/critical gradebook)
Critical Gradebooks was a session at IndieWebCamp New Haven 2019.
Notes archived from: https://etherpad.indieweb.org/gradebook
IndieWebCamp New Haven 2019
Session: Critical Gradebooks
When: 2019-03-30 14:15
Greg McVerry
Chris Aldrich
Jack Jamieson
- Bryan Ollendyke
David Shanske
- Add yourself here⦠(see this for more details)
- Mozilla backpack
- Badger sky
Greg McVerry showed example of a badge from one of his courses
Greg McVerry showed http://rubrics.glitch.me/
https://haxtheweb.org/ - for headless posting (not too dissimilar to the micropub idea
- many of us use RSS readers as gradebooks
- set up filters ans encourage tagging
- learning how to tag is often "one more thing" and students in general are not great at tagging
- Can we use microformat parsers as a gradebook?
- How do you build dashboards to tabulate
- Webmention feedback loop
- reflection drives learning
Greg McVerry uses webmentions for positive praise and native comments (students do not approve the comments) for sending growth statements.
- Can you use HTML Parsers
Greg McVerry idea score series of posts on some quality scale
- see what frequency of HTML elements best predict quality
- Develop smart tutorial chatbots around those areas
- Develop growth curve models