Building and managing an online commonplace book was a session at IndieWebCamp Online 2019.
Notes archived from https://etherpad.indieweb.org/commonplaces
IndieWebCamp Online 2019
Session: Building and managing an online commonplace book
When: 2019-03-09 00:00 UTC
A Commonplace book (or commonplaces) are a way to compile and store knowledge, usually by writing information into books, notebooks, card catalogs, or in more modern settings on one's own website. See also https://indieweb.org/commonplace_book
Chris Aldrich facilitator
gRegor Morrill
Eddie Hinkle
Greg McVerry
- Posting privately for yourself rather than for others
- Post privately initially, then switch to public when you've thought it through and have more to expound upon.
- What types of things do you log in your website besides just notes and articles?
- On This Day comes in really handy because you can serendipitously arrive to you in the future.
- Ping archive.org when saving bookmark
- What you have had a search index service, that would consume a bookmarked page?
- https://hypothes.is
- Collabrative note taking
- https://github.com/hypothesis/h
- annotation of dependencies https://hyp.is/2p2SwkIFEemStyMXmslO0w/github.com/hypothesis/h/blob/master/requirements.in