Local and Offline Jam was a session at IndieWebCamp SF 2019.
Notes archived from: https://etherpad.indieweb.org/locol
IndieWebCamp SF 2019
Session: Local and Offline Jam
When: 2019-12-07 15:20
- Bradley Allen
Dietrich Ayala
- Add yourself here⦠(see this for more details)
- Step 1: Start wifi hotspot
- Step 2: Connect all devices to the hotspot
- Step 3: Turn off mobile data on all mobile devices
- Step 4: Turn on Bluetooth on all devices
You're now all connected to the same wifi network, but without access to the internet.
How to connect and collaborate?
Test: Load an address of some kind in a web browser, that results in renderable web content
HTTP over TCP on local network
- Connectivity: LAN
- Steps: Type IP address int a web browser
- Results: Mixed - some network configurations can prevent this from working
- Notes
- Android phone hotspot worked fine for loading local network webservers.
- But Mozilla's guest network does IP isolation, so it didn't work at all.
- Challenge: lack of human readable names like DNS provides.
- Challenge: no network discovery of available websites
- Challenge: no HTTPS for local DNS-less websites
- Connectivity: Bluetooth
- Steps: Open Airdrop, and drop a file on a person listed there
- Results: Failure - no way to do anything web
- Notes
- Mac OS X laptop computers were able to share files. That's not the web.
- One laptop couldn't see the iOS device but the other one could.
- Mac OS X prompted for Bluetooth, which seems odd - not clear what was used to transfer
Secure Scuttlebutt
- Connectivity: LAN, Bluetooth
- Steps: Open SSB client, and try to connect to the other person in the room
- Results: Failure - no way to do anything web
- Notes
- We tried Patchwork on Mac OS X, Manyverse on Android, Planetary on iOS
- We connected Patchwork and Manyverse, but not Planetary
- Test Beaker Browser (Dat)
- Test IPFS - embedded node in Brave, IPFS Desktop + IPFS Companion browser extension