Readers was a session at IndieWebCamp Utrecht 2019.
Notes archived from: https://etherpad.indieweb.org/readers
IndieWebCamp Utrecht 2019
Session: Readers
When: 2019-05-18 15:45
Sebastiaan Andeweg
David Shanske
Jeremy Cherfas
Rosemary Orchard
- johan
- djoerd
- Add yourself here⦠(see this for more details)
Seb shows his site with his feeds and goes to Aperture at aperture.p3k.io
Wants to write his own to avoid SPOA and to tailor interaction so it mimics the silo experience in simplicity.
Rose likes the idea because it makes it easier to write something on her own site with lots of context.
There are two components. A nice user interface that is useful and attractive, and a program that can read the vairous flavours of feed. So we have micropub and microsub.
Aperture keeps track of all the feeds, how you have grouped them into channels, what you have read or not read.
The other part is apps like Indigenous for iOS and android, and Monocle accessible in a browser.
Rose points to indiepaper as an example of a service that you can see in your reader. (Tehnical hitch; Rose takes over from Seb, whose phone has died.)
Showing the plumbing of how the various building blocks talk to one another.
Seb had an issue with importing all the tweets in his stream and being faced with a fire hose. So played with algorithms, lists, couldn't keep up.
Rose demonstrates use of Zapier webhook to create a specific channel in Monocle for mentions on micro.blog